Enter Dates in a Search Form

You can expand or narrow your search to a specific time frame. If you retrieve only a few documents, you may want to expand the time frame. If you retrieve too many documents, you may want to narrow it.

You can narrow your search to documents published on a specific day or within a date range. You can either select a predefined date range in the list or enter your own custom date range.

The following date formats are accepted:

  • 01/01/16
  • 01/01/2016
  • 1/1/2016
  1. Select Custom Dates.
  2. To search all documents published on a specific date, enter the same date in the From and To fields.
  3. To search all documents published on or after a specific date, enter that date in the From field and leave the To field empty.
  4. To search all documents published on or before a specific date, enter that date in the To field and leave the From field empty.