Alabama |
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Architecture and Architect*
- Athletic Trainer
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Conservation (Soil Erosion Crop)
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hairstylist
- Counseling and Counselor
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Forester
- Geologist
- Graphic Designer
- Hearing Aid
- Heating and Air*
- Home Health Agency and Aid
- Home Medical Equipment Providers*
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Lobbyist
- Locksmith
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Mastectomy Fitter
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nutrition and Nutritionist
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Onsite Wastewater*
- Ophthalmology
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Pharmacy and Pharmacist*
- Phlebology and Phlebologist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist*
- Physician and Surgeon or Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventative Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraisal, and Broker)
- Security Alarm Monitor and Technician
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sports (Agent, Athlete, Official, and Promoter)
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary Medicine*
Alaska |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney
- Barber
- Big Game Guide and Transporter*
- Certified General*
- Certified Residential*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Collections, Agency, and Repossessor*
- Commercial and Home Inspector
- Concert Promoter*
- Construction*
- Contractor
- Control Tower Operator
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrical Administrator*
- Electrician
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Flight Aircraft Instruction
- Funeral, Crematory, Director, and Embalmer
- Geologist
- Guardian and Conservator
- Hearing Aid
- Home Health Agency and Aid
- Hunting and Fishing Guide
- Laboratory and X-ray*
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Mechanical Administrator*
- Medical
- Medical Auxiliary*
- Midwife
- Naturopath
- Nursing Aide
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Nutrition
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician and Surgeon or Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Physiotherapy*
- Pilot (Airplane and Marine (ship))
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist*
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, and Audiology
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Talent Agent
- Tattooist, Tattoo Shop, and Body Piercer
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Underground Storage Tank Worker
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
Arizona |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser
- Architecture and Architect
- Assisted Living Facility
- Athletic Trainer
- Barber
- Behavioral Facility*
- Cemetery
- Child Care and Group Homes*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Collections, Agency, and Repossessor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Commercial and Home Inspector
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Fiduciary and Trustee
- Financial Institution*
- General Practice
- Geology and Geologist
- Group Home*
- Home Health Agency and Aid
- Hospice
- Hospitalist
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor
- Legal Medicine
- Long Term Care Facility*
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neurophysiologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nurse Aide, Practitioner, and Specialist
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Outpatient Treatment Center
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician and Surgeon or Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventative Medicine
- Prosthetist or Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Neurology
- Psychology and Psychologist*
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraisal, Management, and Sales)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Security Alarm Monitor and Technician
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sports (Agent, Athlete, Official, and Promoter)
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Transplant Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Vintner
- Water Well (Driller and Installer)
Arkansas |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Architecture and Architect*
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney
- Barber
- Boiler Operator*
- Broker and Dealer Firm*
- Cemetery*
- Check Cashing*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Collection Agency*
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Conservation (Soil Erosion and Crop)
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrical and Electrician*
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer*
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice
- Forester
- Funeral, Crematory, Director, and Embalmer
- General Practice
- Geology and Geologist
- Home Health Agency and Aid
- Insurance
- Internal Medicine
- Investment Adviser*
- Land Surveyor*
- Legal Medicine
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical*
- Midwife
- Mortgage Firms and Broker*
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nurse Aide, Practitioner, and Specialist*
- Nursing and Nurse
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Pedorthics and Pedorthist
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacy and Pharmacist
- Phlebology and Phlebologist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Neurology
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraisal, Broker, Management, and Sales)
- Recycling and Reclamation Worker
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Towing Operator
- Transcriber (Court)
- Transplant Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Water and Waste Treatment Operator
- X-Ray Assistant
California |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Accredited Outpatient Setting
- Accrediting Agency
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Alarm Company
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appliance Repair
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Automotive Repair
- Barber
- Baton Certificate
- Behavioral Sciences
- Business Entities and License
- Cemetery
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Lab
- Clinical Lab Cytogeneticist and Cytotechnologist
- Clinic Permit
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Combination-Electronic and Appliance Repair
- Company Registration
- Conscious Sedation Permit
- Continuing Education Provider
- Continuing Professional Development Provider
- Contractor*
- Corporation
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling*
- Court Reporter
- Custom Upholsterer
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Drugless Practitioner
- Drug Room
- Dry Cleaning Plants
- Educational Administrator
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Electroneuromyographer
- Electronic Repair
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Establishment
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice
- Federal Drug Administration
- Fictitious Business Permit
- Fictitious Name Permit
- Fiduciary and Trustee
- Firearms
- Flight Aircraft Instruction
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer
- Furniture and Bedding Manufacturers, and Retailers
- General Practice
- Geology and Geologist
- Geophysicist
- Guard
- Headquarter
- Health Related Facility (Non-License Type)
- Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation
- Home Health Aid
- Hypodermic
- Importer
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architect
- Land Surveyor
- Licensed Correctional Facility (Fee Exempt)
- Locksmith
- Major Appliance Repair
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical
- Medical Auxiliary*
- Midwife
- Motor Vehicle Mechanic
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nurse Aide, Practitioner, and Specialist
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Pest Control
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Photogrammetric Surveyor
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Physiotherapy*
- Pilot (Airplane and Marine (Ship))
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Private Investigator
- Private Patrol
- Professional Fiduciaries Licensing Bureau
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychoanalyst
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Public Schools
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Referral Service
- Registered Applicator
- Registered Provider
- Repossessor Agency
- Required Professional Experience
- Respiratory Care and Practitioner
- Sanitizer
- Security
- Security and Investigative Services
- Service Contract
- Shorthand Reporter
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Special Permit
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Supply Dealer
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Tax Interviewer and Preparer*
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Training Facility and Instructor
- Transcriber (Court)
- Urology and Urologist
- Vehicle Inspector
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Wholesaler
Colorado |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Addiction Medicine*
- Adolescent Medicine*
- Allergy and Immunology*
- Anatomic and Clinical Pathology*
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic
- Bail Bonding Agent*
- Barber
- Boxing*
- Cardiology and Cardiologist*
- Cardiovascular*
- Child and Adolescent Psychology*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical and Laboratory Immunology*
- Clinical Lab
- Controlled Substance License*
- Corporation*
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist*
- Dermatopathology*
- Detective and Private Eye
- Diagnostic Radiology*
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Drug Company
- Electrical and Electrician
- Emergency Medicine*
- Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism*
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice*
- Gastroenterology and Gastroenterologist*
- General Preventive Medicine*
- Geriatric*
- Hearing Aid
- Hematology and Oncology*
- Home Health Aid
- Hunting and Fishing Guide
- Infectious Disease*
- Insurance*
- Internal Medicine*
- Journeyman*
- Judge*
- Laboratory and X-Ray*
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor
- Limited License
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Manufacturer
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Maternal (Fetal Medicine)*
- Mechanic
- Medical Auxiliary*
- Medical Genetics
- Medical Manager
- Midwife
- Musculoskeletal and Orthopedic Radiology*
- Natural Person*
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine*
- Nephrology
- Neurology and Neurologist*
- Neuropsychology*
- Neuroradiology*
- Nuclear Medicine*
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology*
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist*
- Other Outlet
- Other Specialty*
- Otolaryngology*
- Outfitter*
- Pain Management*
- Paramedic and EMT
- Partnership*
- Pediatric and Pediatrician*
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician and Surgeon or Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Pilot (Airplane and Marine (Ship))
- Plastic Surgery*
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Practice of Medicine*
- Prescription Drug Outlet
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist*
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Pulmonary*
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Reinsurance*
- Residential Wireman*
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Rheumatology and Rheumatologist*
- Shop Registration*
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sports (Agent, Athlete, Official, and Promoter)
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Taxidermist
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Temporary Visiting Professor*
- Tramway Area*
- Tramway Lift*
- Urology and Urologist*
- Vascular*
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Wholesaler
- X-Ray
Connecticut |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Asbestos
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney
- Auto Glass
- Bail Bondsman
- Barber
- Broker-Dealer*
- Child Care Worker
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Community Association*
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Drug, Cosmetics, and Medical Device*
- Drug Store*
- Electrical and Electrician
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Elevator Install and Repair
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice
- Fire Protection (Equipment and Services)
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer
- Health Care*
- Health Club*
- Heating and Cooling
- Home Health Aid
- Home Improvement
- Home Inspector
- Hospitalist
- Hypertrichologist*
- Hypnotist
- Insurance
- Interior Designer
- Internal Medicine
- Interstate Land Sales*
- Investment Adviser*
- Journeyperson*
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor*
- Lead Abatement*
- Lead Inspector*
- Lead Planner and Project Designer*
- Locksmith
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical
- Medical Genetics
- Medical Manager
- Medical Response Technician
- Midwife
- Mortgage and Check Casher*
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neuromusculoskeletal
- New Home Contractor*
- Non-Water Supply*
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist*
- Otolaryngology
- Paramedic and EMT
- Parts Sales
- Pathology
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radio Certified Restricted RR2*
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Salesperson
- Sanitarian*
- SEC Broker*
- Sheet Metal Worker
- Shorthand Court Reporter*
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sub-Surface Sewer*
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Tattooist, Tattoo Shop, and Body Piercer
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Telecommunications Infrastructure*
- Thoracic Surgery
- Transcriber (Court)
- TV and Radio
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Vintner
- Water and Waste Treatment
- Water Driller
- Weighing and Measuring
Delaware |
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Ancillary Procedures*
- Architecture and Architect*
- Athletic Trainer
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Engineering and Engineer
- Home Health Aid
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical Manager
- Medical Technician
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Women's Health
District of Columbia |
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist*
- Ancillary Procedures*
- Architecture and Architect*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Collections and Repossessor
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer
- Home Health Aid
- Home Improvement
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical Manager
- Midwife
- Motor Vehicle Mechanic
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pest Control
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Real Estate
- Recreation Therapist
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Security
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Television Repair
- Towing Operator
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- X-Ray Assistant
Florida |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Air Conditioning*
- Alarm Company and System*
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Asbestos
- Athlete Agent*
- Athletic Trainer
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Bail Bondsman
- Barber
- Boat Sales
- Body Wrapper*
- Broker Dealer*
- Business Organization*
- Cam Business*
- Chief Administrator*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Cinerator Registration*
- Clinical Lab
- Community Association Manager*
- Concurrent Intern*
- Continuing Education*
- Contractor
- Corporate Broker*
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Diagnostic Radiology*
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Elevator Install and Repair
- Employment Consultant
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Full Specialist*
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer*
- Geology and Geologist
- Health Care Clinic
- Home Health Aid
- Horse Racing
- Insurance
- Interior Design
- Laboratory and X-Ray*
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor
- Leasing Company
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical Manager
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Office Surgery Registration
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Owner and Developer
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pedorthics and Pedorthist
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Physicist
- Pilot (Airplane and Marine (Ship))
- Plumbing and Plumber*
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Pool and Spa*
- Prosthetic and Orthotic
- Provisional Coastal Construction Inspector
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Public Health
- Radiation
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Refrigeration*
- Residential Instructor*
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Retail Seller*
- SEC Broker*
- Sheet Metal Worker
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sports (Agent, Athlete, Official, and Promoter)
- Student Exemption*
- Talent Agent and Agency
- Tank Tester
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Underground Utility Excavator*
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Visiting Faculty Certificate*
- X-Ray Assistant
Georgia |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Architecture and Architect
- Athlete Agent and Trainer
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Conditioned Air*
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counseling and Counselor
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Detectives and Private Eye
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrical and Electrician
- Electrical Contractor*
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice
- Forester
- Funeral, Embalmer, and Crematory
- General Practice
- Geologist
- Guard
- Home Health Aid
- Insurance
- Interior Designer
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor*
- Legal Medicine
- Librarian and Archivist
- Lobbyist
- Low Voltage*
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Mechanic
- Medical Genetics
- Medical Manager
- Medical Technician*
- Midwife
- Nail Salon and Technician*
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neuromusculoskeletal
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Physiology and Physiologist
- Pilot (Airplane and Marine (Ship))
- Plastic Surgery
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Private Detective*
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist*
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Public Health
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Security
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sports (Agent, Athlete, Official, and Promoter)
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Temp Residency Training Permit*
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Used Car*
- Utility*
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Volunteer Medicine*
- Wastewater
- Water Distribution Operator
- Water Laboratory Analyst*
- X-Ray Assistant
Hawaii |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Activity Desk
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Appraisal and Appraiser
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney*
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Barber
- Beauty Instructor, Operator, School, and Shop
- Cemetery
- Certified General
- Certified Residential
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Collection Agency
- Condominium
- Contractor
- Counseling and Counselor
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Distributor
- Educational Administrator
- Electrical and Electrician
- Electrologist
- Elevator Mechanic
- Emergency Medical Technician
- Employment Agency
- Engineering and Engineer
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer
- Guard
- Home Health Aid
- Laboratory and X-Ray*
- Land Surveyor
- Manufacturer
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Mechanic
- Medical Auxiliary
- Medical Board Teacher
- Medical Manager
- Midwife
- Mortgage Broker, Office, and Solicitor
- Motor Vehicle Branch, Dealer, Repair, and Sales
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nurse Aide and Practitioner and Specialist
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pest Control
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Port Pilot
- Private Detective and Agency
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Resident and Non-Resident Insurance Producer*
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Travel Agency and Office
- Veterinarian
- Wholesale Drug Distributor
Idaho |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Bail Bondsman
- Barber
- Certificate of Authority*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Lab
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer
- Gas Dealer (Petroleum and Liquified)
- General Practice
- Geology and Geologist
- Home Health Aid
- Hospitalist
- Insurance
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor and Land Survey*
- Legal Medicine
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Matchmakers
- Mechanic
- Medical
- Medical Genetics
- Medical Manager
- Midwife
- Mortician*
- Nail Technician*
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Photography and Photographer*
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Polysomnographic Technology
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Residential Care Administrator*
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Service Extender*
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sports (Agent, Athlete, Official, and Promoter)
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Taxidermist
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Transcriber (Court)
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Wastewater
Illinois |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Alarm Company and System
- Appraisal and Appraiser
- Approved Training Course School
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Auction and Auctioneer
- B.C.E.N.T CE Sponsor
- Barber
- Boxing
- Certified Euthanasia Agency and Technician
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Collection Agency
- Commercial and Home Inspector
- Contractor
- Controlled Substance License
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Detection of Deception Examiner and Trainee
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Engineering and Engineer
- Environmental Health Practitioner, CE Sponsor, and In Training
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Firearms
- Flight Aircraft Instruction
- Funeral, Crematory, Director, and Embalmer
- Home Health Aid
- Home Medical Equipment Service Provider
- Interior Designer
- Laboratory and X-Ray
- Landscape Architect
- Land Surveyor and Land Survey
- Locksmith
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical
- Medical Manager
- Midwife
- Nail (Technician, School, and Teacher)
- Naprapath
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometric Limited Residency
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pedorthics and Pedorthist
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Physiotherapy*
- Pilot (Airplane and Marine (Ship))
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Private Detective
- Professional Design Firm Registration
- Professional Geologist
- Professional Service Corporation
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Roofing Contractor
- Salon and Shop Registration
- Security
- Shorthand Reporter
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgical Assistant and Technologist
- Taxidermist
- Technician and Technologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Wholesale Drug Distributor
- X-Ray Assistant
Indiana |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect*
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney*
- Auction and Auctioneer*
- Barber
- Boxing*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Engineering and Engineer*
- Environmental Health Specialist and Trainee*
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Funeral, Crematory, Director, and Embalmer*
- Health Facility Administrator
- Home Health Aid
- Hypnosis and Hypnotist*
- Judge*
- Laboratory and X-Ray*
- Landscape Architect*
- Land Surveyor and Land Survey*
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Matchmaker*
- Medical
- Medical Manager
- Mental Health
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Non-Licensee*
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Pilot (Airplane and Marine (Ship))
- Plumbing and Plumber*
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Private Detective*
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Taxidermist
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian*
- X-Ray Assistant
Iowa |
- Accountancy and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Advisor Agent*
- Aerospace Medicine
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Angiography and Interventional Radiology
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect*
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney
- Barber
- Broncho-Esophagology
- Cardiology and Cardiologist
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Cardiovascular
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Critical Care Medicine
- Cytopathology
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dermatopathology
- Diabetes
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Emergency Medicine
- Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Engineering and Engineer*
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice
- First Responder*
- Funeral, Crematory, Director, and Embalmer
- Gastroenterology and Gastroenterologist
- General Practice
- General Preventive Medicine
- Geriatric
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Hematology
- Home Health Aid
- Hypnosis and Hypnotist
- Immunopathology
- Industrial Medicine
- Infectious Disease
- Insurance*
- Internal Medicine
- Laboratory and X-Ray
- Landscape Architect*
- Laryngology
- Law Enforcement*
- Legal Medicine
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Maternal (Fetal Medicine)
- Medical Auxiliary
- Medical Genetics
- Medical Manager
- Microbiology
- Midwife
- Nail Technician*
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neonatology
- Neoplastic Diseases
- Nephrology
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neuromusculoskeletal
- Neuropathology
- Neuroradiology
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nuclear Radiology
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Nutrition
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Other Specialty
- Otolaryngology
- Otology
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Pedorthics and Pedorthist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Physiotherapy*
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Occupation and Environmental Medicine
- Proctology
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychosomatic Medicine
- Public Health and General Preventive Medicine
- Pulmonary Disease and Medicine
- Radiation
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Resident
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Rheumatology
- Rhinology
- Roentgenology
- Sclerotherapy
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Sleep Medicine
- Social Work and Worker
- Special
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Spinal Cord Injury Medicine
- Sports Medicine
- Surgery (Hand, Critical Care, and Oncology)
- Taxidermist
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Temporary
- Thoracic Surgery
- Toxicology
- Transplant Surgery
- Traumatic Surgery
- Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine
- Urology and Urologist
- Vascular
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Wholesaler*
Kansas |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Contractor
- Counselor and Counseling
- Credit Union*
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice
- Funeral, Crematory, Director, and Embalmer
- General Practice
- Healing Arts
- Home Health Aid
- Internal Medicine
- Lobbyist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Medical Manager
- Mental Health
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nurse Aide and Practitioner and Specialist*
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist*
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Occupation and Environmental Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Taxidermist
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian*
- X-Ray Assistant
Kentucky |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Animal Breeder
- Appraisal and Appraiser
- Architecture and Architect*
- Art Therapist*
- Athletic Trainer
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice
- General Practice
- Home Health Aid
- Home Inspector and Commercial Inspector*
- Interior Designer*
- Internal Medicine
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Mental Health
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Pedorthics and Pedorthist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist*
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Occupation and Environmental Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery (Hand, Critical Care, and Oncology)
- Surgical Assistant*
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian*
Louisiana |
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Animal Breeder
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Bail Bondsman
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Lab
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer*
- General Practice
- Home Health Aid
- Home Inspector and Commercial Inspector
- Insurance (Adjuster and Agent)
- Interior Designer
- Internal Medicine
- Internship (Residency-TR)
- Legal Medicine
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Medical Appliance Technician
- Mental Health
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Occupation and Environmental Medicine
- Private Investigator*
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Storage Tank
- Substance Abuse
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Wholesaler*
- X-Ray Assistant
Maine |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney*
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Barber
- Boiler (Installer and Operator)
- Business*
- Charitable Solicitations*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Contractor
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dealer*
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Door-to-Door Home Repair*
- Electrical and Electrician
- Elevator Install and Repair
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice
- Forester
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer
- General Practice
- Geology and Geologist
- Home Health Aid
- Insurance (Adjuster, Advisor, and Agent)
- Interior Design
- Internal Medicine
- Itinerant Vendor*
- Landscape Architect
- Land Surveyor
- Legal Medicine
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Manufactured Housing*
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Mechanic
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Medical Technician*
- Midwife
- Multi-Level Long-Term Care Facility Administration*
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Oil and Solid Fuel Board*
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Original Dealer*
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Residential Care Facility Administration*
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Substance Abuse
- Supervisor*
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Telecommunications Manager
- Thoracic Surgery
- Trainee*
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
Maryland |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Adolescent Medicine*
- Aerospace Medicine*
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anatomic and Clinical Pathology*
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney
- Barber
- Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine*
- Cardiology and Cardiologist*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Biochemical and Molecular Genetics*
- Clinical Care Medicine*
- Clinical Genetics*
- Clinical Neurophysiology*
- Clinical Pathology*
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Critical Care Medicine*
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dermatopathology*
- Designer*
- Diabetes and Metabolism*
- Diagnostic Radiology*
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Electrical and Electrician
- Emergency Medicine
- Endrocrinology
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice
- Forester
- Gastroenterology and Gastroenterologist*
- General Practice
- Geriatric*
- Gynecologic Oncology*
- Hand Surgery*
- Hematology*
- Home Health Aid
- Immunopathology*
- Interior Designer
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architect
- Land Surveyor
- Legal Medicine
- Locksmith
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Maternal and Fetal Medicine*
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine*
- Nephrology and Nephrology*
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Otology and Neurotology*
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Pilot (Airplane and Marine (Ship))
- Plastic Surgery
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Polysomnographic Technician and Technologist
- Precious Metal Dealer
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Public Health and General Preventive Medicine*
- Pulmonary Disease*
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Reproductive Endocrinology*
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Rheumatology and Rheumatologist*
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sports (Agent, Athlete, Official, and Promoter)
- Sports Medicine*
- Surgery
- Surgical Critical Care*
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Tax Consultants
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Therapeutic Radiology and Radiation Oncology*
- Thoracic Surgery
- Trauma Surgery*
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
Massachusetts |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allied Health*
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect*
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney*
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Drinking Water*
- Educational Administrator
- Electrical and Electrician*
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine and Practice
- Fire Alarm Installer*
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer*
- Gasfitter*
- Health Officer*
- Home Health Aid
- Home Inspector*
- Hospitalist
- Insurance (Adjuster, Advisor, and Agent)
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architect
- Land Surveyor
- Lim Rad Extm
- Lm Rd Chst
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Medical Technician*
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neuromusculoskeletal
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plumbing and Plumber*
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Public Health
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Sanitarian*
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Transplant Surgery
- TV Repair Technician*
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- X-Ray Assistant
Michigan |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Barber
- Boiler Inspector and Installer and Repair
- Broker Company and Individual
- Builder
- Carnival
- Cemetery
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Thermometer Certification
- Collection Agency
- Contractor
- Controlled Substance
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrical and Electrician
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Elevator Install and Repair
- Endodontics and Endodontist
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Fire Protection (Equipment and Services)
- Forester
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer
- Home Health Aid
- Home Improvement Sales
- Inspector
- Interior Designer
- Judge
- Laboratory and X-Ray
- Landscape Architect
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Matchmaker
- Mechanical Contractor
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Medical Auxiliary
- Midwife
- Mortuary Science
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ocularist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral Pathologist and Surgeon
- Orthodontia and Orthodontist
- Paramedic and EMT
- Periodontics and Periodontist
- Personnel Agency
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Polygraph
- Private Detective
- Professional Community Planners
- Professional Surveyor
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Public Examiner
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Salesperson
- Sanitarian
- Security
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Ski Area
- Social Service Technician
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Taxidermist
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Wholesaler
- X-Ray Assistant
Minnesota |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraiser and Appraisal*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney*
- Boiler Inspector, Installer, and Repair
- Child Care Worker
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Conservation (Soil Erosion, Crop)
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counseling and Counselor
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Detective and Private Eye
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrical and Electrician
- Elevator Install and Repair
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Home Health Aid
- Laboratory and X-Ray*
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Medical Auxiliary*
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pest Control
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Public Accountant
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- X-Ray Assistant
Mississippi |
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Art Therapist*
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney
- Bail Bondsman
- Body Piercing*
- Child Care and Camp Facilities*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counseling and Counselor
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Eye Enucleatory*
- Family Medicine
- Forester
- General Practice
- Geology and Geologist
- Home Health Aid
- Insurance (Adjuster, Advisor, and Agent)
- Interior Designer
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architect
- Land Surveyor*
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Pest Control
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Pilot (Airplane and Marine (Ship))
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Tattooist and Tattoo Shop*
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
Missouri |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Adult Acute and Critical Care
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Announcer*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Barber
- Boxing*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Lab
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Detectives and Private Eye
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Drug Distributor*
- Educational Administrator
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer
- Geology and Geologist
- Home Health Aid
- Insurance*
- Interior Designer
- Landscape Architect
- Land Surveyor
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Martial Arts*
- Mechanic
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Not-For-Profit*
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Professional Corporation*
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sports (Agent, Athlete, Official, and Promoter)
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Tattooist, Tattoo Shop, and Body Piercer
- Taxidermist
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Timekeeper*
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Wrestling*
Montana |
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Athletic Trainer
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Home Health Aid
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Rural Rotation Resident
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- X-Ray Assistant
Nebraska |
- 30 Days Temporary Practice
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Adult Day Service
- Ambulatory Surgical Center
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Asbestos
- Assisted Living
- Athletic Trainer
- Audio-Visual Specialist
- Center For Developmentally Disabled
- Child Care and Center
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Detective and Private Eye
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrical and Electrician
- Emergency Medical
- Environmental Health Specialist and Trainee
- ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease)
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Fire Protection (Equipment and Services)
- Funeral, Crematory, Director, and Embalmer
- General Anesthesia
- Health Clinic
- Home Health Agency and Aid
- Home Service Permit
- Hospice
- Hospital
- Inhalation Analgesia
- Inter. Care Facility For Mentally Retarded
- Laboratory and X-Ray*
- Lead Abatement
- Lead Based Paint Firm
- Librarian and Archivist
- Limited Management Planner
- Limited Project Designer
- Local Anesthesia Certification
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Medical Auxiliary*
- Medication Aide
- Mental Health Center and Practitioner
- Midwife
- Natural Resource Ground Water Technician
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator and Certified Preceptor
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision and Diagnostic Certification
- Paid Dining Assistant
- Paramedic and EMT and First Responder
- Parenteral Sedation
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preschool
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Radon
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Respite Care Services
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, Hearing Aid, and Communication Assistant
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Swimming Pool Operator
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Temporary Educational
- Temporary Visiting Faculty Permit
- Therapeutic Certification
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Water Well Operators and Drilling
- Wholesale Drug Distributor
Nevada |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Assisted Living*
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney*
- Bail Bondsman
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Controlled Substance License*
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Dispensing Practitioner*
- Emergency Medical
- Family Medicine
- General Practice
- Home Health Aid
- Hospitalist
- Hunting and Fishing Guide
- Insurance (Adjuster, Advisor, Agent, and Consultant)
- Internal Medicine
- Legal Medicine
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics, Manager, and Technician*)
- Medical Devices and Equipment and Gases*
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neuromusculoskeletal
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Oriental Medicine*
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology and Otolaryngologist
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Phlebology and Phlebologist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Pilot (Airplane and Marine (Ship))
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Taxidermist
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Transplant Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- X-Ray Assistant
New Hampshire |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Architecture and Architect*
- Athletic Trainer
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinic*
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Drug Manufacturers
- Educational Administrator
- Emergency Medical
- Engineering and Engineer*
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine
- General Practice
- Geology and Geologist*
- Home Health Aid
- Internal Medicine
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Mechanic
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator*
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology and Otolaryngologist
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Wholesalers and Distributors*
- Women's Health
New Jersey |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Barber
- Bioanalytical Lab
- Cemetery
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Lab
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Funeral Director
- Home and Commercial Inspection
- Home Health Aid
- Homemaker (HHA)
- Insurance Agent
- Interior Designer
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architecture
- Land Surveyor
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Manager)
- Medical Examiner*
- Midwife
- Mortuary Science*
- Mover and Warehousemen*
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pedorthics and Pedorthist
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Polysomnographic (Technician and Technologist)
- Professional Planner*
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychoanalyst
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Shorthand Reporter*
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Transcriber (Court)
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- X-Ray Assistant
New Mexico |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Program-Institution
- Emergency Medical
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine
- General Practice
- Home Health Aid
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architecture
- Legal Medicine
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology and Otolaryngologist
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
New York |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney
- Auto Sales
- Bail Bondsman
- Boat Sales
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Lab
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Counseling and Counselor
- Creative Arts Therapy
- Cytopathology
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Emergency Medical
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine
- Histological Technician
- Home Health Aid
- Interior Design
- Internal Medicine
- Land Surveyor
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Mechanic and Body Repair
- Medical (Genetics, Manager, and Physicist)
- Medical Physicist
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology and Otolaryngologist
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Parenteral Conscious Sedation*
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Pilot (Airplane and Marine (Ship))
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Polysomnographic Technology
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Shorthand Reporter
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Specialist Assistant*
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Student In Organized Health Care Education and Training Program
- Surgery
- Tax Consultant
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Vehicle Inspector
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- X-Ray Assistant
North Carolina |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counseling and Counselor
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Detectives and Private Eye
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Emergency Medical
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine
- Forester
- General Practice
- Geology and Geologist
- Home and Commercial Inspection
- Home Health Aid
- Hospitalist
- Internal Medicine
- Judge
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor
- Legal Medicine
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neuromusculoskeletal
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology and Otolaryngologist
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Phlebology and Phlebologist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Polygraph Examiner
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Security
- Security Alarm Monitor and Technician
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Vintner
- X-Ray Assistant
North Dakota |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney*
- Attorney General*
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Laboratory*
- Congressman*
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counseling and Counselor
- Court*
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Detective and Private Eye
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Emergency Medical
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine
- General Practice
- Home and Commercial Inspection
- Home Health Aid
- Internal Medicine
- Judge*
- Legal Medicine
- Livestock Agent and Consultant
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator*
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology and Otolaryngologist
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Pilot (Airplane and Marine (Ship))
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Polysomnographic Technology
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Security
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
Ohio |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Architecture and Architect*
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney*
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counseling and Counselor
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Financial Institution*
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer*
- Home Health Aid
- Insurance Agent
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pedorthics and Pedorthist
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Sanitarian*
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Weighing Devices
- X-Ray Assistant
Oklahoma |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney
- Barber
- Behavioral Practitioner*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counseling and Counselor
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Emergency Medical
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine
- Funeral, Crematory, and Embalmer
- General Practice
- Home Health Aid
- Horse Racing
- Hospitalist
- Interior Designer
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neuromusculoskeletal
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology and Otolaryngologist
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Pedorthics and Pedorthist
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Phlebology and Phlebologist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, Broker, Management, and Sales)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- X-Ray Assistant
Oregon |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- AC Postgraduate License
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney*
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Lab
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Electrology and Electrologist*
- Emergency Medicine
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine
- General Practice
- Home Health Aid
- Internal Medicine
- Land Surveyor
- Legal Medicine
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics, Manager, and Technician*)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neuromusculoskeletal
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology and Otolaryngologist
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Polysomnographic Technology
- Preceptor
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, Broker, Management, and Sales)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Sanitarian*
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Tattooist, Tattoo Shop, and Body Piercer*
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian and Euthanasia
- Water Well Operators and Drilling
- X-Ray Assistant
Pennsylvania |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Animal Health
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Barber
- Builder
- Campground
- Cemetery
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Control Tower Operator
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counseling and Counselor
- Critical Care Medicine*
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Drugless Therapist
- Educational Administrator
- Emergency Medicine*
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Planning*
- Funeral, Crematory, Director, and Embalmer
- Geology and Geologist
- Graduate Medical Trainee
- Home Health Aid
- Institutional License
- Laboratory and X-Ray
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor
- Librarian and Archivist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Auxiliary and Manager)
- Medical Oncology*
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Oncology
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oriental Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pediatrics
- Perfusionist
- Perioperative*
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Pilot
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Primary Care
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Pulmonary*
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Surgical Critical Care*
- Taxidermist
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Vehicle
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Wholesale Drug Distributor
- X-Ray Assistant
Rhode Island |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Lab
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Food Service
- Funeral (Crematory, Director, and Embalmer)
- Hazmat
- Home Health Aid
- Hospital*
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Manager and Technician*)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthodontia and Orthodontist*
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraiser, Broker, and Sales)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Sanitation
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Tattooist, Tattoo Shop, and Body Piercer
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Water and Waste Treatment
- X-Ray Assistant
South Carolina |
- Abdominal Surgery*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Addiction Medicine*
- Administrative Medicine*
- Adolescent Medicine*
- Adult Mental Health*
- Aerospace Medicine*
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anatomic and Clinical Pathology*
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Athletic Trainer
- Barber
- Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine*
- Bone Densitometry
- Certified General*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinic
- Clinical Cytogenetics*
- Clinical Genetics*
- Clinical Neurophysiology*
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Combined Prosthodontics*
- Community Health
- Correctional Institution
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counseling and Counselor
- Critical Care Medicine*
- Cytopathology*
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Detention Center
- Diabetes
- Dialysis
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Drug Distributor and Manufacturer
- Educational Administrator
- Electrophysiology*
- Emergency Medicine
- Employment Consultant
- Endodontics and Endodontist*
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine
- Free Medical Clinic
- Funeral Director
- Gastroenterology and Gastroenterologist*
- General Practice
- General Preventive Medicine*
- Geriatric Medicine*
- Gerontology
- Head and Neck Surgery*
- Hematology and Oncology*
- Hepatology*
- Home Health Aid
- Home Infusion
- Hospital
- Hypnosis and Hypnotist*
- Industrial Health
- Infectious Disease*
- Infirmary
- Internal Medicine
- Invasive Specialist
- Laboratory and X-Ray*
- Legal Medicine
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Maternal (Fetal Medicine)*
- Medical (Auxiliary*, Genetics, and Manager)
- Medical and Surgical Clinical
- Mental Retardation and Developmental Disorders*
- Midwife
- Mobile Clinics*
- Musculoskeletal Oncology*
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine*
- Nephrology and Nephrologist*
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neuropathology and Neuropathologist*
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Health and Medicine*
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Oncology and Oncologist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthodontia and Orthodontist*
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Other
- Other Specify
- Otolaryngology and Otolaryngologist
- Otology*
- Pain Management and Medicine
- Palliative Medicine*
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatrics and Pediatrician
- Periodontics*
- Pespsycho-Educational Specialist*
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist (Large Chain, Mail Order, and Small Chain)
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrists
- Preventive Medicine
- Private Health Clinic
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychoanalysis*
- Psycho-Educational Specialist*
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychosomatic Medicine*
- Public Health and General Preventive Medicine*
- Public Health Clinic
- Pulmonary and Pulmonolist*
- Radiography and Radiographer
- Radiology and Radiologists
- Real Estate (Transitional Appraiser, Property Manager*, and Sales)
- Rehabilitation*
- Repacker and Repackager
- Reproductive Endocrinology*
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Rheumatology and Rheumatologist*
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Spinal Cord Injury Medicine*
- Sports (Agents and Medicine*)
- Surgery
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Tomography
- Toxocology and Toxocologist*
- Undersea Medicine*
- Unspecified Specialty*
- Urology and Urologist
- Vascular*
- Veterinary and Veterinarian (Secondary Practices*)
South Dakota |
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Engineering and Engineer
- Graphic Designer
- Home Health Aid
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Medical (Manager)
- Midwife
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Real Estate (Appraiser)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Therapy and Therapist
Tennessee |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acquisition Agencies*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney*
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Auto Sales (Car Dealer)*
- Barber
- Boxing*
- Cemetery*
- Certified Euthanasia Agency and Technician
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Collection Agency*
- Collections and Repossessor
- Commercial and Home Inspector
- Conservation (Soil Erosion, Crop)
- Contractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Detectives and Private Eye
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Drug (Manufacturer and Researcher*)
- Educational Administrator
- Electrical and Electricians
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Employee Leasing*
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Explosives (Blasters and Handlers)
- Fire Protection (Equipment and Services)
- Fireworks*
- Flight Aircraft Instruction
- Funeral(Attendants and Directors and Embalmer)
- Gas Dealer and Manager
- Geology and Geologist
- Home Health Aid
- Insurance (Agent)
- Interior Designer
- Laboratory and X-Ray*
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor
- Law Firms*
- Lobbyist
- Locksmith
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Manager and Service Representative)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Paramedic and EMT
- Parts Sales
- Pedorthics and Pedorthist
- Perfusionist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Pilot (Airplane)
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Polygraph Examiner
- Polysomnographic (Technician and Technologist)
- Private Investigator*
- Probation Worker
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Racing*
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraisal, Broker, and Sales)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Secretary*
- Security (Alarm, Guard, and Instructor)
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sports (Athlete, Official, Promoter)
- Sprinklers Response*
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Time Share*
- Title Agency*
- Vacation and Lodging*
- Vehicle Dismantlers and Recyclers*
- Vehicle Manufacturers and Distributors*
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- X-Ray Assistant
Texas |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Administrator or Assistant
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration*
- Allergy and Immunology
- Ambulatory Surgical Center*
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Apprentice*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Attorney*
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Barber
- Blood Bank
- Body Imaging*
- Boiler Inspector, Installer, and Repair
- Boxing*
- Cardiac Electrophysiology*
- Cardiology and Cardiologist*
- Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology*
- Child Care
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Lab
- Colon and Rectal Surgery*
- Combined Prosthodontics*
- Commercial and Home Inspection
- Community (Multiple and Chain Health, or Independent)*
- Consultant
- Continuing Education Provider*
- Contractor
- Cosmetic Surgery*
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counseling and Counselor
- Critical Care Medicine*
- Cytopathology*
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dermopathology*
- Diabetes*
- Diagnostic Roentgenology*
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Electrical and Electrician
- Electrodiagnostic Medicine*
- Electrophysiology*
- Elevator (Install and Repair)
- Emergency Medicine
- Endodontics*
- Engineering and Engineer
- Epidemiology*
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine
- Forensic Medicine*
- Gastroenterology and Gastroenterologist*
- General Practice*
- General Preventive Medicine*
- Genetics and Microbiology*
- Geriatrics*
- Hair Transplantation*
- Hepatology*
- HMO*
- Home Health Aid
- Hospital*
- Hospitalist*
- Infectious Disease*
- Inservice and Staff Development
- Insurance (Adjuster, Advisor, Agent, and Consultant)
- Interior Design
- Internal Medicine
- Laboratory and X-Ray*
- Laboratory Medicine*
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Legal Medicine
- Legal Services
- Lobbyist
- Mail Service*
- Mammography*
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Manipulative Therapy*
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Matchmaker
- Maternal (Fetal Medicine)*
- Mechanic
- Medical (Auxilliary*, Genetics, Manager, Microbiology*, and Physicist)
- Microsurgery*
- Midwife
- Musculoskeletal*
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neonatal and Perinatal*
- Nephrology and Nephrologist*
- Neurodevelopmental Disabilities*
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neuromuscular Medicine
- Non-Certified Technician*
- Nuclear Imaging and Therapy*
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Oncology and Oncologist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Oral Maxillofacial*
- Orthodontics*
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Orthotics and Prosthetics
- Osteopathic Manipulation and Maniuplative Therapy*
- Otolaryngology and Otolaryngologist
- Otology and Neurotology*
- Otorhinolaryngology*
- Pain Medicine
- Palliative Medicine*
- Paramedic and EMT
- Parts Sales
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatrics and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Periodontics*
- Perioperative*
- Peripheral Vascular Surgery*
- Personnel Employment Services*
- Pest Control
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Pilot (Airplane)
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Occupation and Environmental Medicine
- Proctology and Proctologist*
- Property Tax*
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychoanalysis*
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychosomatic Medicine*
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Public Health*
- Pulmonary and Pulmonologist*
- Radiation Therapy*
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Abstractor, Agent, Appraisal, Broker, Management, Sales, and Title Agent)
- Recycling and Reclamation Worker
- Reproductive Endocrinology*
- Researcher
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Rheumatology and Rheumatologist*
- Rhinology*
- Sanitarian (Health)
- Sclerotherapy*
- Second Corner Person*
- Service Contract Provider*
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Sleep Medicine*
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Spine Medicine*
- Sports (Agents, Athletes, Medicine*, and Professional Athlete)
- Staff Leasing Services*
- Surgery
- Talent Agencies*
- Tax Consultant
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Temporary Common Worker*
- Temporary Medical Physicist*
- Therapy and Therapist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Timekeeper*
- Towing Operator
- Toxicology and Toxicologist*
- Transcriber (Court)
- Transplant Surgery
- Transportation Service Provider*
- Trauma*
- Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine*
- Urgent Care*
- Urology and Urologist
- Vascular*
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Water Well
- X-Ray Assistant
Utah |
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Fire Protection (Equipment and Services)
- Health Facility Administrator
- Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning
- Home Health Aid
- Liquified Petroleum
- Lobbyist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Pilot (Airplane)
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Polysomnographic (Technician and Technologist)
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent and Appraisal)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Substance Use Disorder
- Taxidermist
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
Vermont |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser*
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Bail Bondsman
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Detective and Private Eye
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Event Special-Motor Vehicle*
- Family Medicine
- Funeral (Attendant, Director, and Embalmer)
- Insurance (Adjuster, Advisor, Agent, and Consultant)
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics, Manager, and Technician)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neuromusculoskeletal
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Outlet Drug*
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatrics and Pediatrician
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Racing
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraisal, Appraiser, Broker, and Sales)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Security and Investigative Services
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sports (Official, Professional Athlete, and Promoter)
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Tattooist, Tattoo Shop, and Body Piercer
- Technician and Technologist
- Therapy and Therapist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian*
Virginia |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Appraisal and Appraiser
- Apprentice
- Architecture and Architect
- Asbestos
- Assisted Living
- Athletic Trainer
- Auction and Auctioneer
- Authorization To Prescribe
- Barber
- Boxing and Wrestling
- Business CSR
- Cemetery (Salesperson)
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- CIC (Common Interest Community) (Manager and Permanent Standards)
- Clinical Lab
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Commercial and Home Inspector
- Community Associations
- Conservation (Soil Erosion, Crop)
- Continuing Education Provider
- Contractor
- Cosmetic Procedure Certification
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Courtesy Card
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Designer Interior and Project
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Direct Access Certification
- Educational Administrator
- Electrical and Electrician
- Elevator Install and Repair
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Fair Housing
- Family Medicine
- Funeral, Embalmer, and Crematory
- General Practice
- Geology and Geologist
- Hair Braiding
- Hazmat
- Home Health Aid
- Hospitalist
- Humane Society
- Interior Design
- Internal Medicine
- Intern and Resident
- Laboratory and X-Ray*
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Land Surveyor
- Lead Inspector and Supervisor
- Legal Medicine
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Martial Arts
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Matchmaker
- Medical (Auxiliary*, Genetics, and Manager)
- Medical Equipment Supplier
- Medication Aide
- Midwife
- Nail Technician
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Non-Restricted Manufacturer
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatrics and Pediatrician
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Phlebology and Phlebologist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Physiotherapy*
- Pilots (Marine (Ship))
- Plastic Surgery
- Plumbing and Plumber
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Polygraph
- Preventive Medicine
- Professional Designation
- Property Registration Community Association
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraisal, Broker, Management, and Sales)
- Rehabilitation Provider
- Rental Location Agency
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Restricted Manufacturer
- Restricted Volunteer
- Risk Assessor
- Sewer and Sewage
- Sex Offender Treatment Provider
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Soil (Evaluator and Scientist)
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sports (Agent, Professional Athlete, and Promoter)
- Substance Abuse
- Surface Transport and Removal Services
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Tattooist, Tattoo Shop, and Body Piercer
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Therapy and Therapist
- Thoracic Surgery
- University Limited License
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Warehouser
- Water and Waste Treatment
- Water Well (Driller and Pump Installer)
- Wax Salon, School, and Technician
- Wetland Delineators
- Wholesale Drug Distributor
- X-Ray Assistant
Washington |
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Athletic Trainer
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry, Dentist, and Denturist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Fiduciary and Trustee
- Flight Aircraft Instruction
- Home Care Aide Certification
- Home Health Aid
- Lobbyist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oriental Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Pilot (Airplane)
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraisal, and Broker)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Substance Abuse
- Surgical Technologist
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Therapy and Therapist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- X-Ray Assistant
West Virginia |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Detective and Private Eye
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine
- General Practice
- Hazmat
- Home Health Aid
- Hospital*
- Hospitalist
- Internal Medicine
- Legal Medicine
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Midwife
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Neonatal
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neuromusculoskeletal
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatrics and Pediatrician
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Phlebology and Phlebologist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent and Appraisal)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Security Guard
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Sports (Agent)
- Surgery
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Therapy and Therapist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Transplant Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- Women's Health Care
Wisconsin |
- Accounting and Accountant*
- Acupuncture and Acupuncturist
- Administrative Medicine
- Aerospace Medicine
- Allergy and Immunology
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Architecture and Architect*
- Art Therapist*
- Athletic Trainer
- Auction and Auctioneer*
- Audio-Visual Specialist
- Barber
- Boxing*
- Cardiology and Cardiologist
- Cardiovascular Surgery
- Cemetery*
- Certificate Of Authorization*
- Charitable Organizations*
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Clinical Lab
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Commercial and Home Inspector*
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counseling and Counselor
- Dance Therapist*
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Diabetes Management
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Distributor of Prescription Drugs*
- Drug and Alcohol
- Drug Manufacturer
- Educational Administrator
- Electrology and Electrologist
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer*
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine
- Firearms*
- Fund Raising*
- Funeral, Embalmer, and Crematory*
- Gastroenterology and Gastroenterologist
- General Practice
- General Preventive Medicine
- Genetics and Microbiology
- Geology and Geologist*
- Geriatric
- Hematology and Hematologist
- Home Health Aid
- Hydrology and Hydrologist*
- Hyperbaric Medicine
- Industrial Designer*
- Infectious Disease
- Insurance (Advisor, Agent, and Consultant)
- Interior Designer*
- Internal Medicine
- Laboratory and X-Ray
- Landscape Architect*
- Land Surveyor*
- Librarian and Archivist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Auxiliary, Genetics, and Manager)
- Midwife
- Music Therapist*
- Naturopath and Homeopath
- Ndocrinology and Endocrinologist
- Neonatal
- Nephrology and Nephrologist
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Neurophysiology and Neurophysiologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Oncology and Oncologist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Otorhinolaryngology
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Peddler*
- Pediatric and Pediatrician
- Perfusionist
- Perinatology and Perinatologist
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Private Detective*
- Proctology and Proctologist
- Prosthetist and Orthotist
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Psychotherapy and Psychotherapist
- Public Health
- Pulmonary and Pulmonologist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Agent, Appraisal, Broker, and Management)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Rheumatology and Rheumatologist
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Work and Worker
- Soil (Science Firm and Scientist)*
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Substance Abuse
- Surgery
- Taxidermist
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Therapy and Therapist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Timeshare*
- Ultrasound
- Urology and Urologist
- Vascular Surgery
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
Wyoming |
- Accounting and Accountant
- Anesthesiology and Anesthesiologist
- Architecture and Architect
- Athletic Trainer
- Barber
- Chiropractic and Chiropractor
- Cosmetology, Cosmetologist, and Hair Stylist
- Counselor and Counseling
- Dentistry and Dentist
- Dermatology and Dermatologist
- Dietician and Nutritionist
- Educational Administrator
- Emergency Medicine
- Engineering and Engineer
- Esthetics and Esthetician
- Family Medicine
- Geology and Geologist
- Home Health Aid
- Internal Medicine
- Landscape Architect and Design
- Lobbyist
- Manicurist and Pedicurist
- Marriage and Family Therapy, and Therapist
- Massage Therapy and Therapist
- Medical (Genetics and Manager)
- Midwife
- Neurology and Neurologist
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nursing and Nurse
- Nursing Home Administrator
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Occupational Therapy and Therapist
- Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologist
- Optometry, Optometrist, and Vision
- Orthopedics and Orthopedist
- Otolaryngology
- Pain Medicine
- Paramedic and EMT
- Pathology and Pathologist
- Pediatrics and Pediatrician
- Pharmacology, Pharmacologist, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy and Therapist
- Physician, Surgeon, and Osteopath (M.D. and D.O.)
- Physician Assistant
- Podiatry and Podiatrist
- Preventive Medicine
- Psychiatry and Psychiatrist
- Psychology and Psychologist
- Radiology and Radiologist
- Real Estate (Appraisal and Sales)
- Respiratory Care and Therapist
- Social Work and Worker
- Speech, Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid
- Surgery
- Surveyor and Mapper
- Teacher
- Technician and Technologist
- Therapy and Therapist
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology and Urologist
- Veterinary and Veterinarian
- X-Ray Assistant