Masked Dates of Death
Dates of death that are provided solely by the LADMF (Limited Access Death Master File) may be masked depending on your access level.
The LADMF, a portion of the SSA (Social Security Administration) DMF (Death Master File), has provisions for permitted use on data that is within three years of the date of an individual's death. The DMF and the LADMF are limited to authorized users and recipients who have signed the LexisNexis® Risk Solutions Addendum for Access to Limited Access DMF Data to state permissible purpose.
As of July 2019, LexisNexis Risk Solutions further mitigated the risk of providing dates of death in the following manner:
- For users with qualified access
- In search results, the padlock icon () is displayed when the date is provided solely by the LADMF. To view the date of death, you click the padlock icon.
- For users with non-qualified access
- Dates of death that are provided solely by the LADMF are fully masked in search results, reports, and source records. When unauthorized transactions are performed, your organization potentially has an obligation to notify the data supplier or the consumers whose SPII (sensitive personally identifiable information) has been accessed by an unauthorized user. By limiting the display of dates of death that are provided solely by the LADMF in LexisNexis Risk Solutions online products, LexisNexis Risk Solutions mitigates this risk and maintains compliance.