Permissible Uses

Select a permissible use to ensure that you are in compliance when you search customer information.

Federal law, in conjunction with your user agreement with LexisNexis® Risk Solutions, requires that you have a permissible use to view personal information.

There are three types of permissible uses:

  • DPPA (Driver’s Privacy Protection Act)
  • GLBA (Gramm‐Leach‐Bliley Act)
  • DMF (Death Master File)

After you sign in, you make your permissible use selections on the Terms For Use of Data page. Your choices appear at the bottom of applicable search forms. They remain in effect until you change them.

To change a permissible use, change it on the Terms For Use of Data page, or click your current choice at the bottom of the search form to return to the Terms For Use of Data page to make a change.