CA Risk Profiler Search
The Collateral Analytics® Risk Profiler search is used to determine the probable valuation risk of a BPO (broker's price opinion) or appraisal. The profiler can identify potential issues with the estimates of value and the supporting data that is provided by vendors to determine that estimate.
Collateral Analytics Risk Profiler analyzes the accuracy and quality of a BPO or appraisal through various methods. First, the profiler compares Collateral Analytics Value AVM (automated valuation model) with the BPO or appraised value. Then, the profiler analyzes the comparable sales and listing data that are provided in the BPO or appraisal report and compares this information to independent public records and local market data to determine whether the report used the most proximate, similar, and recent available comparable sales and listings.
![]() | Depending on your product subscription, you may not have access to this search. |
Fee Notice: | This search has an incremental, per transaction fee that is not included in your subscription costs. To avoid any additional fees, use your browser's back button. |
At a minimum, you must provide information in the following fields:
- Street Address
- ZIP Code
Enter the street address with or without numbers.
You can also include any other details (for example, Ave, St, Ct, or Blvd).
- Enter the unit number. This may be an apartment number, suite number, or other value (for example, 25L).
- Enter the city.
- Select the state.
- Enter the ZIP Code (for example, 12345 or 12345-6789).
- Enter a loan number to be included on the returned report.
To associate your search with a customer or a topic, provide a label (for
example, the customer's name or a topic name) in the Reference
ID field.
The History function lets you view the searches that are associated with a reference ID.
Your organization may require a reference ID in a particular format. Additionally, the contents of this field may be automatically completed or the field may have restrictions that are configured by your administrator. -
Click Submit.
You are directed to another page to complete the search.