Mortgage & Financial Service Sanctions Search
The Mortgage & Financial Service Sanctions search returns information about formal sanctions against members of financial and health care services industries by a comprehensive range of federal and state regulatory agencies. This information can help you perform due diligence on third-party vendors.
Search Guidelines
- Depending on your product subscription, you may not have access to this search.
- Enter information in at least one field. When you enter information into multiple fields, your search precision increases.
- To search more broadly, complete fewer fields.
- When you search common names, complete as many fields as you can to avoid large result sets.
- To view source information for this search, click Source.
Search Type
Select one of the following options to determine how you want to complete the search:
- Select Form Search to use the LexisNexis® Risk Solutions form search engine to return the most relevant information. Enter information into multiple fields to obtain more precise results.
- Select Terms & Connectors Search to use Boolean searching. For connector examples, see Terms
and Connectors.
Depending on your product subscription, terms and connectors searching may not be available.