Other Search Tips
Other search tips may help make your searches more effective.
The following list of other search tips may help you in your search process:
- When you search company names, include all name
For example, to find NorthWest Image, search: north west image or northwest image or nw image. Alternatively, to find Sample Company Inc. (SCI), search: sample co inc or s.c.i. or sci.
- Some searches look for words and abbreviations that are equivalent to each
For example, a search for Co finds articles containing Co or Company because they are equivalents.
- Some business names are unique and do not require Company, Corp, or Corporation to be included in the search to find relevant articles.
For example, to find documents for IBM Corp, the search doesn't require Corp.
- Use the W/3 connector to join a person's first name and
last name. The W/3 connector finds the first name within three or fewer words of
the last name. This research technique allows for middle initials, prefixes (for
example: Dr.), suffixes (for example, Ph.D.), or the last name to appear either
before or after the first name.
For example, to find documents that refer to John Doe use the search expression: john w/3 doe.
- Some names have common alternatives, such as
Michael and Mike, and spacing or punctuation considerations. For these names,
use a more detailed search.
For example, to find Margaret McSample, search: marg! or peg! w/3 mcsample or mc sample. Alternatively, to find Robert O'Sample, search: rob! or bob! w/3 o'sample or osample or o sample.