Frequency |
Varies by source |
Update Schedule |
Varying intervals depending
on the source |
Sources |
Sixty percent of stories originate in the United States See the Negative News Source List for a complete list of sources. |
Possible Record
Details |
- Name or initial
- Address and phone number
- SSN (Social Security number)
- DOB (date of birth)
Searchable Fields |
- Last Name
- First Name
- Company Name
- Words in the Article
- Without Words
- Date
Selected Documents |
- Aberdeen American News, ABDAMN
- ABI/INFORM Selected Documents, ABISEL
- ABI/INFORM Selected Documents from 1995, ABISEL
- Akron Beacon Journal, AKRONB
- Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, AAIW
- Asia Africa Intelligence Wire - Selected Publications,
- Banking Information Source Select, BISSEL
- Bank Investment Consultant, BANKIC
- Business Dateline Database, BUSDTL
- Claims Magazine, NCLAIM
- Contra Costa Newspapers, CCTIME
- Devices & Diagnostics Letter, DEVLTR
- Drug GMP Report, DRGGMP
- Drug Industry Daily, DRGDLY
- Espicom Telecommunication News, ESPTEL
- Ethnic News, ETHNLN
- European Drug Report, EURDRG
- Florida Underwriters, FLAUND
- Gallup Management Journal, GMJ
- Gallup Poll News Service, GPNS
- Gallup Poll Tuesday Briefing, GTB
- Generic Line, GENLIN
- IAC (SM) Newsletter Database (TM), IACNWS
- Information Bank Abstracts, INFOBK
- Lexington Herald Leader, LEXHLD
- Overview of Markets & Technology, PROMT
- Part 11 Compliance Report, COMRPT
- Pharmaceutical Corporate Compliance Report, PHARMC
- RDS Business & Industry Selected Documents,
- Regional Independent Media, RIM
- Regional Newline, REGNLN
- Saint Paul Pioneer Press, STPAUL
- San Jose Mercury News, SANJOS
- Technology Decisions, TECDEC
- The Charlotte Observer, CHAROB
- The Food & Drug Letter, FDDRG
- The GMP Letter, GMPLTR
- The Philadelphia Daily News (PA), PHIDLY
- The Philadelphia Daily News - Most Recent Two Weeks,
- The State (Columbia, S.C.), COLST
- Washington Drug Letter, DRGLTR
- Winston-Salem Journal, WINSAL
- World Markets Analysis, WMRCNW
- Yorkshire Evening Post, YEPST
Exclusions |
Due to vendor restrictions, LexisNexis Risk Solutions excludes the following sources from group files in web products. You can
select and search the individual sources.
- Aerometric Information Reporting System, AIRS
- Annals of Neurology, ANN
- Annals of Plastic Surgery, ANPS
- Comprehensive Env. Response Compensation & Liability Info. System, CERCLS
- Dimensions in Health Care, DHC
- Editor & Publisher Magazine, EPMAG
- Emergency Response Notification System, ERNS
- EPA Civil Enforcement Docket, EPADKT
- Facility Index System, FINDSFIFRA & TSCA Tracking System, FTTS
- Hospitals and Health Networks, HOSP
- IDD Merger and Acquisition Reports - Archival, IDDMA
- IDD Mergers and Acquisition Database - Canada - Archival, IDDCAN
- IDD Mergers and Acquisition Database - European Reports - Archival, IDDEUR
- IDD Mergers and Acquisition Database - US Reports - Archival, IDDUS
- IDD Mergers and Acquisitions Database - UK Reports - Archival, IDDUK
- Institutional Investor Publications, IIALL
- Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) Site Records, LUST
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Facility Information, NPDESF
- National Priority List Descriptions of Hazardous Waste Sites, NPLIST
- National Priority List of Hazardous Waste Sites, NPLDSC
- No Further Remedial Action Planned, NFRAP
- Potentially Responsible Parties (PRP) Superfund Enforcement Tracking System, PRP
- RCRA Corrective Action Record, CORACT
- Resource Conservation & Recovery Information System, RCRIS
- Solid Waste Site Records, SWS
- State Priority Lists, SPLSurgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, SGO
- Toxic Chemical Release Inventory, TRIS
- Underground/Aboveground Storage Tank Site Records, USTAST
- World Financial Markets, WLDFIN
Also Contains |
- American Lawyer Media
- Andrews Bankruptcy newsletters
- Andrews Delaware Corporate newsletters
- Andrews Government newsletters
- Asbestos-Related newsletters
- Banking Law newsletters
- Bankruptcy Law newsletters
- Centaur Communications Ltd.
- Computer Law newsletters
- Corporate Law newsletters
- Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) News Sources, combined
- Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) news subscription
- Elsevier Science business journals
- Employment and Labor Law newsletters
- Energy, Oil & Gas, and Utility Law newsletters
- Entertainment Law newsletters
- Environmental Law newsletters
- Europe Information Service
- FT Business
- Glasser Legal
- Groupe Expansion (English)
- Haymarket
- Health Care Law newsletters
- Human Resources newsletters
- Informa Business publications
- Insurance Day and Energy Day
- King Communications
- Midland Independent newspapers
- Pasha publications
- Realty Law newsletters
- Reed Business Information
- School Law newsletters
- Securities Law newsletters
- StateNet Capitol Journal
- Telecommunications Law newsletters
- Time Inc, last two years
- Times Education supplements
- Works Newsletters Group file