Manage Groups

Administrators can create, edit, and delete groups in the Manage Groups section.

  1. In the Administration module, point to Groups, and select Manage Groups.
  2. At the top of the page, select the billgroup that is associated with the group, and click Select.
  3. Complete one of the following actions:
    • Click Create Group.
    • Select the group that you want to modify, modify the group details as needed, and click Save.
      • To filter the search list by category, click the category group name in the left pane.
      • To view a representation of the searches in the application, click Simulate the Home Screen.
      • To configure LexisNexis® InstantID® search options, see InstantID Product Configuration Settings.
        warning.pngThe product configuration settings for LexisNexis® Phone Finder and InstantID searches must be kept in sync between the portal and LexisNexis® Risk Defense Platform (RDP) in production to avoid conflicts and unexpected behavior in the transactions.
    • Select the group that you want to delete, and click Delete: [Group name].