Manage myTasks

myTask managers can create, edit, and delete existing myTasks.

The Manage myTasks page displays all of the existing myTasks, including the myTask name, description, status, author, billgroup/group, and the date that each myTask was published. You can filter the myTasks by name, status, author, billgroup/group, and date published.

The status column indicates the status of the myTask. Statuses are also displayed on the home page.
This status indicates that the myTask is published. Users in the group can access the published myTask.
Work In Progress
This status indicates that the myTask is saved but not published. Users in the group cannot access the myTask, but a myTask manager can access the myTask and can test the myTask in the application before it is published.
This status indicates that a search that is part of the myTask is unavailable. Users cannot access a broken myTask.