Global Dun & Bradstreet Business Report Search

The Global Dun & Bradstreet Business Report search provides information about non-U.S. businesses through Dun & Bradstreet®.

The search lets you identify entities with whom you conduct business or want to conduct business. You can enrich your information by leveraging the Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud. The Data Cloud provides insight on hundreds of millions of businesses across the globe and is continually monitored for updates and changes, helping keep your data up to date.

  1. Enter the street address with or without numbers.
    You can also include any other details (for example, Ave, St, Ct, or Blvd).
  2. Select the country.
  3. To include or exclude bankruptcy information, toggle the Additional Content switch.
  4. To associate your search with a customer or a topic, provide a label (for example, the customer's name or a topic name) in the Reference ID field.
    The History function lets you view the searches that are associated with a reference ID.
    note.pngYour organization may require a reference ID in a particular format. Additionally, the contents of this field may be automatically completed or the field may have restrictions that are configured by your administrator.