Instant Verify International Search

The LexisNexis® Instant Verify International search is an identity verification solution that connects your business to a single data center that has access to data sources for 40 countries, which allows you to verify personal identity data.

Before you begin
  • Depending on your product subscription, you may not have access to this search.
  • You may not have access to verify an individual in all countries. The countries you have access to are dependent on your contract.
  • Some countries require consumer consent to complete this search.
  • For country-specific details, see the LexisNexis® Instant Verify International Source Guide.

Instant Verify International provides a simple pass/fail response based on the following elements:

  • Name (All countries)
  • Address (All countries)
  • Date of Birth (Select countries)
  • Telephone (All countries)
  • National ID (Select countries - see Valid National ID Types)
note.pngIdentity elements that can be verified vary by country.
  1. Select the configuration.
  2. Select the country or region.
  3. Enter the national ID, if required by country.
    For a list of valid ID types, see Valid National ID Types.
  4. Enter the last name.
  5. Enter the first name.
  6. Enter the middle name or the middle initial.
  7. Enter the street address.
    You can also include any other details (for example, Ave, St, Ct, or Blvd).
  8. Enter the city or locality.
  9. Enter the postal code (for example, 12345 or 12345-6789).
  10. For Canada, select the province.
  11. Enter a complete phone number with or without dashes, spaces, periods, or an area code (for example, 1234567891, (123)4567891, 123 456 7891, 123 4567891, 123-456-7891, 123.456.7891, 456-7891, or (123) 456 7891).
  12. Enter the DOB (date of birth).
  13. To associate your search with a customer or a topic, provide a label (for example, the customer's name or a topic name) in the Reference ID field.
    The History function lets you view the searches that are associated with a reference ID.
    note.pngYour organization may require a reference ID in a particular format. Additionally, the contents of this field may be automatically completed or the field may have restrictions that are configured by your administrator.
  14. Click Search.