View Product Announcements

There are two ways that you can view product announcements: when you first sign in to the application, or during a session after you have signed in.

  1. Sign in to the application.
    Product announcements may be displayed. Complete either of the following steps:
    • Click Next or Previous to navigate the announcements.
    • Click Continue to dismiss an announcement and continue to the application. Announcements that are not viewed are displayed the next time that you sign in.
  2. To view announcements during a session, or to view past announcements, complete one of the following steps:
    • From the home page, click Announcements below the Reference ID field.
    • Click your name in the upper-right corner of the application, and select Announcements.
    A new browser tab opens and the announcements with their original posting date are displayed.
  3. View announcements by completing the following steps:
    1. Click the Next or Previous links at the top or bottom of the page to navigate the announcements.
    2. Click an announcement to view it.
    3. Click All Announcements to return to the list of past announcements.
    4. Close the browser tab to dismiss announcements.