FAA Pilot Licenses Search
The FAA Pilot Licenses search can help you find information about individuals who have a pilot license. The search covers all fifty states and the District of Columbia.
Before you begin
- Depending on your product subscription, you may not have access to this search.
- Enter information in at least one field. When you enter information into multiple fields, your search precision increases.
- To search more broadly, complete fewer fields.
- When you search common names, complete as many fields as you can to avoid large result sets.
- To view source information for this search, click Source.
- Enter the last name.
- Enter the first name.
- Enter the middle name or the middle initial.
Enter the street address with or without numbers.
You can also include any other details (for example, Ave, St, Ct, or Blvd).
- Enter the city.
- Select the state.
- Enter the ZIP Code (for example, 12345 or 12345-6789).
- Enter the registration number (for example, 123H).
To associate your search with a customer or a topic, provide a label (for
example, the customer's name or a topic name) in the Reference
ID field.
The History function lets you view the searches that are associated with a reference ID.
Your organization may require a reference ID in a particular format. Additionally, the contents of this field may be automatically completed or the field may have restrictions that are configured by your administrator. - Click Search.