Phone Lookup Search

The Phone Lookup search verifies input information and returns the best available results from current databases of the RBOC (Regional Bell operating company), LECs (local exchange carriers), and CLECs (competitive local exchange carriers). Sources include over 100 million telephone numbers.

Before you begin:

  • Depending on your product subscription, you may not have access to this search.
  • Boolean search characters are not accepted for this search request.
Fee Notice: This search has an incremental, per transaction fee that is not included in your subscription costs. To avoid any additional fees, use your browser's back button.

Search Type

The Phone Lookup search verifies the information you enter and returns the best available results from current databases of the RBOCs (Regional Bell Operating Companies), LECs (Local Exchange Companies), and CLECs (Competitive Local Exchange Companies).

Select either Find By Phone or Find By Name or Address to determine how you want to complete the search. The form fields change according to your selection. For example, for Find By Phone, only the phone number and state fields appear. If you select Find By Name or Address, then multiple identification fields, such as name and location, appear.

  • Select Find By Phone to complete a reverse phone lookup search.
  • Select Find By Name or Address to view phone numbers that are associated with the information that you enter.