Driver Licenses Search
The Driver Licenses search can help you look up and verify information about driver licenses.The search results include both current and historic license information, and, where available, conviction information. The information is provided by both governmental and non-governmental sources.
Before you begin:
- Depending on your product subscription, you may not have access to this search.
- Your DPPA (Driver’s Privacy Protection Act), GLBA (Gramm‐Leach‐Bliley Act), and DMF (Death Master File) permissible use selections appear at the bottom of the form. Click the links if you need to change your permissible use selections before you run a new search.
- To view a sample report that is generated from this search, click Sample Report.
- Enter information in at least one field. When you enter information into multiple fields, your search precision increases.
- To search more broadly, complete fewer fields.
- When you search common names, complete as many fields as you can to avoid large result sets.
- To view source information for this search, click Source.
Search Type
Select one of the following options to determine how you want to complete the search:
- Select Form Search to use the LexisNexis® Risk Solutions form search engine to return the most relevant information. Enter information into multiple fields to obtain more precise results.
- Select Terms & Connectors Search to use Boolean searching. For connector examples, see Terms
and Connectors.
Depending on your product subscription, terms and connectors searching may not be available.