Driver Licenses Terms and Connectors Search Method

You can use the terms and connectors method to perform a Driver License search.

  1. If it is not already selected, then select Terms & Connectors Search.

    For information about using terms and connectors in a search form, see Terms and Connectors.

  2. Enter the SSN (Social Security number) with or without dashes or spaces (for example, 123456789, 123-45-6789, or 123 45 6789).
  3. Enter the LexID® number that is assigned by LexisNexis® Risk Solutions with or without dashes (for example, 0123-4567-8901 or 012345678901).
  4. Enter the full name.
  5. Enter a driver license number. Follow the format used by the associated state.
    The following states do not provide driver license numbers: ID, KY, LA, ME, MS, ND, and SC.
  6. Enter the street address with or without numbers.
    You can also include any other details (for example, Ave, St, Ct, or Blvd).
  7. In the Add Segments list, select a category for words that must be included in the document, and click Add.
  8. Click within the parentheses, then enter one or more words associated with the term. For example, if you select DL Number, type the driver license number in the parentheses.
  9. Continue to add segments to narrow your search.
  10. To associate your search with a customer or a topic, provide a label (for example, the customer's name or a topic name) in the Reference ID field.
    The History function lets you view the searches that are associated with a reference ID.
    note.pngYour organization may require a reference ID in a particular format. Additionally, the contents of this field may be automatically completed or the field may have restrictions that are configured by your administrator.
  11. Click Search.