Orbis Report (Global Company Coverage) Results
Results for the Orbis Report (Global Company Coverage) search are sorted in order of most relevant to least relevant, based on the information that you entered. Your search terms appear at the top of the results.
Report and Results Elements and Icons
Reports and results contain elements that provide information to help you complete additional research actions.
For a list of possible elements, see Report and Results Element Descriptions.
For a list of possible icons, see Report and Result Action Icons.
Reports and results may contain risk indicator flags. Risk indicator flags indicate a potential risk that may need further investigation. For information about risk indicator flags and other informational icons, see Informational and Risk Indicator Icons.
![]() | Depending on your product subscription and administrative settings, you may not have access to the report or some of the information in the report. |
The following table displays the Orbis Report (Global Company Coverage) results page properties.
Column Name | Details |
All | The All column lets you select sections of the document to print or download. Select All to print or download the items and sections that are included in the results. |
Business Name | The Business Name column displays the name of the business and the business address. |
Other Information | The Other Information column displays the status, the industry, the type, consolidation codes, and the size of the
business. Each company is associated with one or more statements. The statements are assigned a consolidation code that indicates the type of statement that is available. The following consolidation codes and descriptions may be included:
Actions | The Actions column includes additional
actions that are available for the results, including additional
reports that are available from Orbis and their associated
price. The following reports may be available: