Relationship Identifier by Business Search Method
You can use a business to perform a LexisNexis® Relationship Identifier search.
- TIN (taxpayer identification number)
- LexID® number
- Company name and address
![]() | For the best results, enter information in the following fields: SSN, Last Name, First Name, Street Address, City, State, ZIP Code, Phone Number, and Date of Birth. |
- If the option is not already selected, select Business.
To categorize the entity in the report, click Select Role, and select an entity.
If you select Other, enter the custom entity in the Specify Other field.
Complete one of the following options:
- Enter the TIN without dashes or spaces (for example, 000123456789).
The TIN may be referred to as an FEIN (federal employer identification number).
- Enter the LexID number that is assigned by LexisNexis® Risk Solutions with or without dashes (for example, 0123-4567-8901 or 012345678901).
- Enter the company name and address.
- Enter the name of the company.
- Enter the street address with or without numbers.
You can also include any other details such as Ave, St, Ct, or Blvd.
- Enter the city.
- Select the state.
States are listed in alphabetical order. Type the first letter of the state to view a list of states that begin with that letter.
- Enter the ZIP Code (for example, 12345).
- Enter a complete phone number with or without dashes, periods, or an area code (for example, 1234567891, (123)4567891, 123 456 7891, 123 4567891, 123-456-7891, 123.456.7891, 456-7891, or (123) 456 7891).
- Enter the TIN without dashes or spaces (for example, 000123456789).
Click +Add Entity to add another entity.
You can add up to eight entities.
To associate your search with a customer or a topic, provide a label (for
example, the customer's name or a topic name) in the Reference
ID field.
The History function lets you view the searches that are associated with a reference ID.
Your organization may require a reference ID in a particular format. Additionally, the contents of this field may be automatically completed or the field may have restrictions that are configured by your administrator. -
To include or exclude the neighbor check, toggle the Include Neighbor switch.
If you toggle the switch to Yes, the search results specify whether the submitted entities are possible neighbors, in addition to other potential relationships. To search for only other potential relationships besides a neighbor relationship, toggle the switch to No.
To find relationships between entities that existed at or prior to a specific
point in time, enter a date in the As of Date field in
the following format: MM/dd/yyyy (for example,
If you leave the As of Date field blank, the current date is used for the search and report.
- Click Continue.