Password Requirements
For security purposes, you are required to enter a password each time that you sign into this application.
You are prompted to change your password after the first time that you sign in and after intervals that your administrator can configure. You can change your password at any time. Your password can expire in 30, 60, or 90 days. Your company controls the expiration requirements. The default is 90 days. To change your password, see Change Your Password.
Your company's password requirements may include any of the following criteria. The criteria determines which type of characters you can enter and how many of each characters must be included in your password. You may encounter the following requirement criteria:
- Two of three criteria
- Three of four criteria
- Four of four criteria
In some cases, a specific password criteria is required because of the type of content that is included in the account. For example, the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) has mandated that accounts that have access to the IRS Verify search must have a password four of four requirement. The password criteria appears on the page.
The following table contains a description of the password requirements for each type of criteria.
Requirement | Description |
Two of three requirement |
Three of four requirement |
Four of four requirement |