Identity Report Frequently Asked Questions

LexisNexis® Identity Report provides deep identity intelligence, risks that are associated with personally-identifiable information, and additional details about associated data and subjects that are linked to the primary identity.

The following list contains the frequently asked questions for Identity Report:
The LexID® number says it’s an established identity, but the consumer reporting agency is no longer reporting it. What does this mean?
Although one of the consumer reporting agencies is no longer reporting the identity, other sources continue to report it.
What is an ITIN and why is it a risk?
An ITIN (individual taxpayer identification number) is a tax-processing number that is issued by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service). This nine-digit number always begins with the number 9 and has a 7 or 8 as the fourth digit. LexisNexis® Risk Solutions has flagged instances of an ITIN as a moderate risk indicator since they may or may not pose a risk.
What is an enumeration at entry, and why is it a risk?
The SSA (Social Security Administration) issues Enumeration at Entry (EAE) for certain non-US citizens who apply for a SSN (Social Security number) through the immigration process. These numbers always start with the number sequence of 729 through 733.
In the Primary Identity there is no driver license number, but we have a copy of it in our customer file. Why doesn’t LexisNexis Risk Solutions have this data?
Driver license data is not available for all 50 states. Driver license access is controlled by the DPPA (Driver’s Privacy Protection Act) permissible purpose you chose for your session when you signed in. If you click the DPPA permissible purpose link, at the bottom of the search page, you are directed to that page. Click the Full Definition link under the default DPPA and use the drop-down box to see which states are viewable for the purpose of your search.
In the Primary Identity, there is no DOB (date of birth) (or SSN, Name, Address, Phone, or Gender). Why not?
The Primary Identity section displays the best information for your subject. To help you make stronger, better informed decisions, our LexID technology has instantly searched and filtered billions of data files to provide you with the most relevant information connected to your search subject in this section of your report. If LexisNexis Risk Solutions does not have that data or cannot determine a best DOB (or SSN, Name, Address, Phone or Gender) based on LexisNexis Risk Solutions source information, there will be no data in this field.
There is no SSN in the Primary Identity section, but there are two SSN values in the Associated Data: SSNs section. Why?
There are millions of identities that are associated with more than one SSN many times due to clerical errors made when public record or publicly available documents are created or when someone uses another’s SSN fraudulently. Identity Report is able to determine which one is the best one for your identity most of the time. However, based on the source information of those SSN values, occasionally LexisNexis Risk Solutions is unable to determine which SSN is the best one for your subject.
There are a couple of identities associated with my subject, but a consumer reporting agency is no longer reporting the SSN on those identities. That risk indicator isn’t showing up on my subject’s SSN. What does this mean?
While the credit reporting agency is no longer reporting your subject’s SSN in association with the other identities, in some cases, other sources may continue to report the SSN associated with the subject.
On one of my subject’s associated SSNs there is a risk indicator that a CRA is no longer reporting the SSN to LexisNexis Risk Solutions. This SSN appears in the shared SSN section of another identity linked to my subject. Why doesn’t that risk indicator appear in this section since it is the same SSN?
The consumer reporting agency is no longer reporting that SSN in association with your subject, the SSN continues to be reported for the other identities.
There is another identity that is linked to my subject, but there is a risk indicator that the consumer reporting agency is no longer reporting the identity to LexisNexis Risk Solutions. Does this mean the identity no longer exists?
This risk indicator is letting you know that the consumer reporting agency is no longer reporting to LexisNexis Risk Solutions this identity linked to your subject. You can click the link to run the Identity Report on this identity to get more information on it.
There are some high risk indicators coming up for my subject. Does this mean the identity is stolen or that it is a synthetic identity?
Not necessarily. Consult your institution's policies and procedures for guidance about how to interpret and act on these results.