Social Media Locator Results

Results for the LexisNexis® Social Media Locator search are sorted in order of the most relevant to least relevant, based on the input search information.

note.pngDepending on your product subscription and administrative settings, you may not have access to the report or some of the information in the report.

Report and Results Elements and Icons

Reports and results contain elements that provide information to help you complete additional research actions.

For a list of possible elements, see Report and Results Element Descriptions.

For a list of possible icons, see Report and Result Action Icons.

The search terms that you entered appear at the top of the report.

The following table contains the Social Media Locator results page properties.

Social Media Locator Results Page Properties
Column Name Details
Number This column displays the number of the result.
All This column lets you select sections of the document to print or download. Select All to print or download all of the items and sections that are included in the results.
URL This column displays the website address of the social media profile.
Category This column displays the category of the website address.
Content This column displays information about the social media profile.
Data Matched This column displays the input data that was matched to the results.
Rating This column displays the match rating.

By default, results are displayed and ordered according to their rating, from high to low. You can change the default in your preferences to order the results from low to high.