Quick Search

Quick Search lets you search an SSN (Social Security number), an address, a reverse phone number, or a company name as the criterion, without having to locate and use the appropriate search form.

You can find the quick search fields in the Global Navigation bar at the top of pages.
  1. Click (quick search), and select the type of search that you want to complete.
    The required input changes depending upon your selection. You may see the following fields:
    • SSN Lookup: Enter the SSN with or without dashes (for example, 12345678, 123-45-678, 123 45 6789, or 6789).
    • Address: Enter the full USPS (United States Postal Service) address. Separate each address element with a comma (for example, 123 Main Street, Toledo, Ohio, 43412).
    • Reverse Phone: Enter a complete phone number with or without dashes, periods, or an area code (for example, 1234567891, (123)4567891, 123 456 7891, 123 4567891, 123-456-7891, 123.456.7891, 456-7891, or (123) 456 7891).
    • Company Name: Enter the name of the company.
  2. To associate your search with a customer or a topic, provide a label (for example, the customer's name or a topic name) in the Reference ID field.
    The History function lets you view the searches that are associated with a reference ID.
    note.pngYour organization may require a reference ID in a particular format. Additionally, the contents of this field may be automatically completed or the field may have restrictions that are configured by your administrator.
  3. Click Go.