
You can use the History feature to view past searches.

When you complete a search or generate a report, the search or report name and associated details appear in one or more pages in the History list. Click History in the Global Navigation bar to access this list from any page in the application.

You can view, sort, download, and print the details that are associated with the search or the report. You can also access today's search terms and report results and rerun a search.

The options at the top of the page let you access one of the following history types:
This view displays the searches that were run today. This history is saved until midnight Eastern Time (UTC (coordinated universal time) -4/-5). For example, if you run a search at 17:00 Eastern Time (UTC -4/-5) on Monday, it remains in this list until midnight. After this time period, the search details are moved to the Previous 30 Days list. When you access results in the today tab, you can view the saved results at no additional cost.
Previous 30 Days
This view displays the searches that were run in the past 30 days. This history type displays the search form with the search terms that were previously entered.

The following information appears in column format in each list:

  • Tab contains an icon that represents the tab on which the search or the report appeared.
  • Activity contains the search form or the activity that you chose when you ran the search. Examples of actions are completing a Next Steps search from the Find a Person results page, clicking a link from within a SmartLinx® document, or completing Search within Results activity from a results list or document.
  • Search Terms contains truncated search terms to help you identify your searches.
  • # Docs contains the number of documents that were retrieved by your search. Searches that retrieved zero results are included.
  • Time (EDT/EST) contains the date and time that you ran each search.
  • Reference ID contains the client ID that is associated with each search.
tip.png Click or at either the top or the bottom of the list to move to the next page or previous page of results. Click or to move to the first page or last page of results.

Click Exit History at the top or the bottom of the list to exit a History page. You are directed back to the page from which you selected History.