Send to myCart

You can send items from a results page, a report, or a source to myCart.

caution.pngThe myCart page is not supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, or 10.
  1. To send items from a results page to myCart, complete the following steps:
    1. In the All column, select the items that you want to send to myCart.
    2. Click (Send to myCart).
    3. If the results page has data choices (for example, news), then select the data option.
    4. Select the download type.
    5. Select the delivery range.
    6. Select the Include Cover Page check box, and enter up to 1,000 characters that you want to include on the cover page when you print or download the item.
    7. Enter a file name.
    8. Click Send to myCart.
  2. To send a report to myCart, complete the following steps:
    1. Click (Send to myCart).
    2. Select the download type.
    3. Select the Include Cover Page check box, and enter up to 1,000 characters that you want to include on the cover page when you print or download the item.
    4. If the report includes source documents, select the source documents that you want to send to myCart.
    5. Enter a file name.
    6. Click Send to myCart.
  3. To send a source document to myCart, complete the following steps:
    1. Click (Send to myCart).
    2. Select the download type.
    3. Select the Include Cover Page check box, and enter up to 1,000 characters that you want to include on the cover page when you print or download the item.
    4. Enter a file name.
    5. Click Send to myCart.
    note.pngAs you send and remove items from myCart, a count of the items that are currently in myCart shows in the portal header. Click the count to open the myCart page.
  4. To remove an item from myCart, click (Delete Selected Items), and click OK.