Header Information |
This section provides general
information about the report.
- Generated On
- This line displays the date and the time when the report was
- Search Terms
- This line displays the search terms that you entered into the search
- Report Created For
- This line displays who the report was created for.
Company Summary |
This section provides the company details.
- Primary Name
- Single name by which the organization searched is primarily known or identified
- This field appears in the tab.
- D-U-N-S Number
- Nine-character numeric string that identifies the proprietary organizational identifier owned and managed by Dun & Bradstreet and provides unique identification of a subject
- Address
- Best address for the business
- Business Status
- Indicates whether the business is out of business or not primary
- Industry Description
- Description of the business activities represented by the primary U.S.SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code (for example, highway and street
- Business Entity Type
- Broad category of an organization structure into which all legal forms are grouped
- These categories are created by Dun & Bradstreet for client use based on legal form
association with one and only one legal form class.
Possible values:
- Corporation
- Partnership
- Proprietorship
- National Government
- Local Government
- Joint Venture
- Non Profit Organization
- Co-operative / Mutual Organization
- Foreign Company
- Legal forms that do not fit into an existing legal form class
- Control Ownership Type
- Name for the type of controlling ownership
- Possible values:
- Government Entity
- Publicly Traded Company
- Privately Owned
- State owned Enterprise
- Ownership Unavailable Reasons
- Reason why ownership information for this entity is unavailable
- Multiple reasons can be returned. This field is not returned when no reasons are available.
- Possible values:
- As a new business, this data has not yet been filed
- No real estate assets
- Details of real estate remain unknown
- Subject rents facilities
- Registered in Isle of Man
- Registered in Channel Islands
- Registered in Luxembourg
- D&B didn't ask the question; data is unavailable/undetermined
- D&B Cannot Disclose In Product
- Offshore company without contact information
- Details Were Not Available in Public Registry
- File is Lost in Public Registry
- No individual or entity with significant control
- PSC exists but not identified
- PSC details not confirmed
- Steps to find PSC not yet completed
- PSC contacted but no response
- PSC has failed to confirm changed details
- Company has issued restriction notice to a PSC
- Registry not public and does not record shareholding information
- Registry is public but does not record shareholding information
- Registry started recording shareholding information recently
- Registry records only domestic shareholding information
- Registry records only shareholdings above certain percentage
- Registry not public despite recording shareholding information
- No shareholding information
- Data for this facility is not available due to non-receipt from vendor or a validation error
- Depth of shareholder information has been restricted
- Subject is not required to file this data
- Subject declined to provide this data
- Persons of Significant Control Unavailable Reasons
- No persons of significant control information available
- Multiple reasons can be returned.
- This field is not returned when no reasons are available.
Dashboard |
This section provides a summary of the count of individual or organization owners based on the beneficial ownerships that are associated with the primary company.
- Individuals
- Number of owners of the entity that are identified as individuals
- Organizations
- Number of owners of the entity that are identified as business entities
- Total Allocated Ownership Percentage
- Sum of beneficial ownership percentages provided across all beneficiaries of the subject company
- Total Persons of Significant Control
- Number of PSCs (persons of significant control)
You click More Details to navigate to other areas of the report. This section also contains a map or table of the number of
beneficial owners per country. The map is displayed by default; you toggle the Table button to view the information as a table. |
Beneficial Ownership Summary |
This section provides the Beneficial Ownership summary details.
- Beneficial Owners
- Number of owners of the entity that can include direct, indirect, and beneficial owners
- Organizations
- Number of owners of the entity that are identified as business entities
- Individuals
- Number of owners of the entity that are identified as individuals
- Unclassified Owners
- Number of owners of the entity that are not categorized as individual or business
- Corporate Beneficiaries
- Number of beneficiaries of the entity that are identified as legally set up corporate businesses
- State Owned Organizations
- Number of owners of the entity that are classified as State Owned Organizations
- This does not include the primary company.
- Government Organizations
- Number of owners of the entity that are classified as Government Organization
- This does not include the primary company.
- Publicly Trading Organizations
- Number of owners of the entity that are classified as Publicly Trading Organizations
- This does not include the primary company.
- Privately Held Organizations
- Number of owners of the entity that are classified as Privately Held Organizations
- This does not include the primary company.
- Unidentified Share Owners
- Number of anonymous shareholders that were added to the ownership structure
- Implied Percentage Owners
- Number of nodes that have Dun & Bradstreet inferred ownership percentages within the
ownership structure
Persons of Significant Control |
This section provides the summary of the count of nodes per type of PSC (person of significant control).
- Associated Type
- Details about the type of PSC
Possible values:
- Business
- Individual
- Branch
- Division
- Super secure person
- Legal person
- Compound
- Representative Office
- Count
- Number of PSCs that are present for this specific type
- Associated Nationality
- Nationality of each PSC present
- Count
- Number of PSCs present for each specific nationality
- Associated Country
- Country of each PSC present
- Count
- Number of PSCs present for each specific country
Individual Beneficial Owners |
This section provides the individual data points for each linked beneficial owner.
- Name
- Single name by which the organization searched for is primarily known or identified
- Degree Of Separation
- Distance between this beneficiary and the primary company within the ownership structure
- Full Address
- Best address for the business
- D-U-N-S Number
- Nine-character numeric string that identifies the proprietary organizational identifier owned and managed by Dun & Bradstreet and provides unique identification of a subject
- Beneficiary
- Indicates whether this owner is identified as a beneficiary
- Possible values:
- Control Ownership Type
- Details of the type of controlling ownership
- Possible values:
- Government Entity
- Publicly Traded Company
- Privately Owned
- State owned Enterprise
- Business Type
- Broad category of an organization structure into which all legal forms are grouped
- Possible values:
- Corporation
- Partnership
- Proprietorship
- National Government
- Local Government
- Joint Venture
- Non Profit Organization
- Co-operative / Mutual Organization
- Foreign Company
- Legal forms that do not fit into an existing legal form class
- Business Status
- Indicates whether the owner entity is currently out of business
- Possible values:
- Legal Authority
- Name of the government body or the law that supervises or regulates the individual or the company and exercises significant influence over the
- Legal Form
- Legal form or structure of the company that exercises significant influence over the beneficiary, as registered with government authorities
- Relationship Type
- Type of relationship
- Nature of Control Type
- Describes the control and percentages of control
- Person ID (if beneficial owner is a person)
- PIN (Personal Identification Number) or shareholder number assigned by an external body that helps to identify a shareholder
- Country of Residence (if Beneficial Owner is a person)
- Name of the country in which the individual usually resides, if an individual
- Beneficial Percentage
- Owner's actual shareholding percentage
- Direct Percentage
- Owner's direct shareholding percentage
- Indirect Percentage
- Owner's indirect shareholding percentage
- Beneficiary Type
- Indicates whether the owner is an individual, company, or unknown
- Possible values:
- Business
- Individual
- Branch
- Division
- Super secure person
- Legal person
- Compound
- Representative Office
- Ownership Unavailable Reasons
- Reason why ownership information for this entity is unavailable
- Multiple reasons can be returned. This field is not returned when no reasons are available.