LexisNexis Small Business Credit Report with SBFE Data

The LexisNexis® Small Business Credit Report with SBFE Data™ presents a concise view of a legal, non-human entity.

The report presents data in a dashboard summary that contains sections and subsections. Reports are created from billions of public records and proprietary records that are analyzed, filtered, and linked through proprietary algorithms.

note.pngFor consistency, these entities are referred to as businesses, but this service contains any kind of legal entity that is not a consumer.

Report and Results Elements and Icons

Reports and results contain elements that provide information to help you complete additional research actions.

For a list of possible elements, see Report and Results Element Descriptions.

For a list of possible icons, see Report and Result Action Icons.

Reports and results may contain risk indicator flags. Risk indicator flags indicate a potential risk that may need further investigation. For information about risk indicator flags and other informational icons, see Informational and Risk Indicator Icons.

note.pngDepending on your product subscription and administrative settings, you may not have access to the report or some of the information in the report.

Report Section Descriptions

The following table contains descriptions for each section of the report.

Report Section Descriptions
Section Description
Header Information This section provides general information about the report.
Generated On
This line displays the date and the time when the report was generated.
Search Terms
This line displays the search terms that you entered into the search form.
Report Created For
This line displays who the report was created for.
This line displays matching company names and addresses based on the input search terms.
Summary This section contains an overview of the company that includes the following information:
Company Background
This section contains an overview of the report subject.

The best contact information pertaining to the business and input Authorized Representative is at the beginning of the report. The best contact information is typically the most current and most complete information for a business and includes the subject’s name, address, LexID® business legal entity number and, if available, phone number, year established, and TIN (taxpayer identification number).

Other provided information includes the most recent trade on file, the estimated annual income, the business type (as provided to Small Business Financial Exchange (SBFE®)), the number of estimated employees, the industry description, the ultimate parent of the business, and the SOS (Secretary of State) status.


This section can contain two scores. The LexisNexis® Small Business Credit Score with SBFE Data™ model is provided in all reports. If authorized representative data is provided in the search form, then LexisNexis® Small Business Blended Credit Score with SBFE Data™ is returned.

Both score models were developed to help predict and identify accounts that may charge-off, become 91 or more days past due, or become bankrupt in the next 18 months.

Both scores are three digits, ranging from 501 (highest credit risk) to 900 (lowest credit risk).

A score exception is returned in the following scenario:

Score Description Additional Information
0 Insufficient input provided A valid set of input elements is required to generate a non-zero score.
222 Insufficient data available to generate a score LexisNexis® Risk Solutions is unable to identify and confirm the subject based on the identity elements that are on file.

The top four reason codes are returned with the results of each score. These reason codes provide insight into the factors that influence the score calculation.


  • No trades on record for the business
  • Too few S.O.S. filings on record
  • No record of business property ownership
  • Insufficient non-derogatory sources on record for the business
  • Insufficient data on record to generate a score

This section also includes a score trends graph that compares the credit score with the industry average.

Trade Summary

This section contains an overview of the report subject's financial trade line information and headline information of the report subject's financial trade line information.

Trade Summary Information
Item Description
Open Accounts Number of open financial trade accounts
Oldest Account Date Date the account was opened of the first financial trade
Total Overdue Total amount overdue on all financial trade accounts
Most Severe Status Worst status of any financial trade on record

See status table.

Highest Credit Highest credit amount across all financial trades
Total Balance Total amount outstanding on all financial trade accounts
Median Balance Median value of all open financial trade accounts
Average Open Balance Average amount outstanding on open financial trade
Charge Offs Recorded Number of financial trade accounts that have charge offs recorded
Accounts With Guarantor Number of financial trade accounts that have a guarantor on the account
Most Severe Status / Current Payment Status / Payment Status
Item Description
Bankruptcy Report subject reported to be in bankruptcy proceedings
Charge Off Charge off reported on the financial trade account
Foreclosure/Repossession Financial trade account has been reported as being in foreclosure or repossession
Non-Accrual Account Financial trade account has been classed as non-accrual loan (for example, principal and interest have not been paid for at least 90 days)
Collection Financial trade account has been passed for collection
Overdue 90+ Financial trade account is overdue by over 90 days
Overdue 90 Financial trade account is overdue by 61–90 days
Overdue 60 Financial trade account is overdue by 31–60 days
Overdue 30 Financial trade account is overdue by 1–30 days
Within Terms Financial trade account is within the agreed payment terms
Disaster Impact One or more accounts is currently affected by a natural or declared disaster
The trade summary section also contains credit utilized information and DBT (days beyond terms) for payment trends information.
Credit Utilized
Credit utilized describes the percentage that an account is used in comparison to the amount of available credit. For example, if the business's total amount of available credit is $10,000 and the business uses $6,000 of the available credit, the percentage utilized is 60%. The chart displays information from all revolving financial trade accounts that are on record. These are line of credit accounts, commercial credit card accounts, and open-ended line of credit accounts.
Days Beyond Terms
DBT is a dollar weighted average number of days past the due date a business takes to pay its open financial trade accounts. The chart displays a comparison over recent months.
Records Overview
This section highlights key aspects of the report, including counts for the following items:
  • Current real property holdings
  • Current personal properties
  • Secured assets reported through UCC (uniform commercial code) records
  • Current executives
Additionally, the overview indicates the presence of records in which the business is a debtor in an active UCC, and includes counts for bankruptcies, judgments or liens, and notices of default and foreclosed real properties.
This section contains counts of inquiries made on the report subject with LexisNexis Risk Solutions (SBFE does not provide inquiry information). The records are first organized by the industry of the inquirer and then by how recently the inquiry occurred. Any inquiry that was not made in the last 12 months is displayed only in the Total column.
Trade This section includes an overview of the company trade information that includes the following information:
Credit Utilized
Credit utilized describes the percentage that is used in comparison to the amount of available credit. For example, if the business's total amount of available credit is $10,000 and the business uses $6,000 of the available credit, the percentage utilized is 60%. The chart displays information from all revolving financial trade accounts that are on record. These are line of credit accounts, commercial credit card accounts, and open-ended line of credit accounts.
The Credit Utilization History plots the credit limit in blue, the credit utilized in red, and the percentage of credit utilized in green. The left axis displays the scale for credit limit and credit utilized and the right axis displays the percentage scale.
Days Beyond Terms
DBT is a dollar weighted average number of days past the due date a business takes to pay its open financial trade accounts. The chart on the left displays the average days beyond terms, and the chart on the right displays a 6-month history of days beyond terms.
Trade Summary
This section contains headline information of the report subject's financial trade line information.
Trade Summary Information
Item Description
Open Accounts Number of open financial trade accounts
Oldest Account Date Date the account was opened of the first financial trade
Total Overdue Total amount overdue on all financial trade accounts
Most Severe Status Worst status of any financial trade on record

See Most Severe Status / Current Payment Status / Payment Status table.

Highest Credit Highest amount credit used across all financial trades
Total Balance Total amount outstanding on all financial trade accounts
Median Balance Median value of all open financial trade accounts
Average Open Balance Average amount outstanding on open financial trade
Charge Offs Recorded Number of financial trade accounts that have charge offs recorded
Accounts With Guarantor Number of financial trade accounts that have a guarantor on the account
Most Severe Status / Current Payment Status / Payment Status
Item Description
Bankruptcy Report subject reported to be in bankruptcy proceedings
Charge Off Charge off reported on the financial trade account
Foreclosure/Repossession Financial trade account has been reported as being in foreclosure or repossession
Non-Accrual Account Financial trade account has been classed as non-accrual loan (for example, principal and interest have not been paid for at least 90 days)
Collection Financial trade account has been passed for collection
Overdue 90+ Financial trade account is overdue by over 90 days
Overdue 90 Financial trade account is overdue by 61–90 days
Overdue 60 Financial trade account is overdue by 31–60 days
Overdue 30 Financial trade account is overdue by 1–30 days
Within Terms Financial trade account is within the agreed payment terms
Disaster Impact One or more accounts is currently affected by a natural or declared disaster
Current Payment Summary
This section displays an aged-debt summary of the outstanding balance of all financial trade accounts. This table includes the outstanding balance and percentage breakdowns of how much of the balance is in the following categories:
  • Within terms
  • 1–30 days past due
  • 31–60 days past due
  • 61–90 days past due
  • 90+ days past due
Financial Account Details
This section includes granular information about each financial trade account.
This section contains all financial trade accounts that are attributed to the business. A summary description is displayed by default. Click to expand the details for a specific row. Click Show All Details to expand the details for all rows.
Financial Account Details
Financial Account Details Descriptions
Item Description
No. Number of the financial account in the list
Account No. Unique, persistent number that identifies each financial trade account
Status Status of the account

Possible values:

  • DISASTER IMPACT (indicates that this account is currently affected by a natural or declared disaster)
  • DISASTER IMPACT: SUSPENDED (indicates that the reporting for this account has been suspended due to a natural or declared disaster)
    note.pngThis status has the highest priority and overrides any other populated status.
Type Type of account

Possible values:

  • Business Lease
  • Commercial Card
  • Letter of Credit
  • Line of Credit
  • Open Ended Credit Line
  • Term Loan
  • Other
Opened Date the account was opened
Reported Most recent date the account was reported
Closed/Reason Date the account was closed and the reason for the closure
Original Amount/Limit Original amount on the account or the original limit on the account
Amount Outstanding Total amount outstanding on the account
Charged-Off Indicates whether the account is charged off

Possible values:

  • Yes
  • No
Accounts that are charged off are only displayed if you select Show Charge Off.
Payment Status Payment status of the account

Possible values:

  • Within terms
  • No
  • Overdue 30
  • Overdue 60
  • Overdue 90
  • Overdue 90+

An expanded section can display up to five sections:

  • Account Information
  • Account Credit Utilization
  • 24 Month History
  • Other Overdue Payments
  • Charge-off Details
Account Information
Account Information Descriptions
Item Description
Current Status Status of the account

Possible values:

  • Within terms
  • Overdue 30
  • Overdue 60
  • Charge Off
  • N/A
Expiration Date Due date of final payment, expiration date, or the date that the account will reach maturity
Payment Amount/Frequency Scheduled payment amount and frequency of payment for the account
Payment Type Type of payments to the account, including principal, interest, and minimum
Last Payment Amount Most recent payment amount
Last Payment Date Most recent payment date
Date of Delinquency Date that the account became delinquent, when the account is overdue
Collateral Whether collateral was used to secure the account

Possible values:

  • Yes
  • No
Government Guaranteed Whether the account has been guaranteed by the government, and the type of guarantee that was provided
Number of Guarantors Number of guarantors that are on the account
Account Credit Utilization
This section contains the average percentage of utilization, the highest credit limit, and the highest amount outstanding on an account within the given year.
24 Month History
This section contains the history that was reported on the account over the most recent 24 months. This section includes the date reported, the date closed, the current limit, the amount outstanding, the payment status, and the amount overdue.
Other Overdue Payments
This section contains information about any overdue payments in the last 25–84 months (seven years).
Charge-Off Details

This section contains information about charged-off accounts, including the charge-off date, the amount that was charged off, the type of the amount that was charged off, and the amount that has been recovered since the account was charged off.

note.pngThis section is only displayed when charge-offs exist on an account.
Subsidiary & Guaranteed Fin Trades
This section contains a list of businesses that have the report subject listed as an owner or guarantor on a financial trade account, or as a known subsidiary from LexisNexis Risk Solutions extensive linking of records.
note.pngA link to the report is provided for further investigation. If you click the link, you may incur an additional charge.
Owner/Guarantor List

This section contains a list of owners or guarantors as they are listed in the financial trade accounts of the report subject.

A summary description is displayed by default. Click to expand the details for a specific row. Click Show All Details to expand details for all rows.

Owner/Guarantor List Descriptions
Item Description
No. Number of the financial account in the list
Name Name of the owner or guarantor
Address Address that is associated with the owner or guarantor
Entity Entity type of the owner or guarantor
LexID® LexID number of the owner or guarantor
Type Type

Possible values:

  • Guarantor
  • Owner
Ownership Percentage of ownership
Actions The Actions column includes additional actions that are available for the results, including additional searches and reports that you may want to generate to further investigate. Click (Open in New Window) to open the report in a new window.

An expanded section can display the Account Details and Related Account Details sections. Click to expand the details for a specific row.

Account Details
Account Details Descriptions
Item Description
No. Number of the financial account in the list
Business Name Name of the business
LexID® LexID number of the business
Status Status of the account

Possible values:

Type Type of account
  • Business Lease
  • Commercial Card
  • Letter of Credit
  • Line of Credit
  • Open Ended Credit Line
  • Term Loan
  • Other
Original Amount/Limit Original amount on the account or the original limit on the account
Amount Outstanding Total amount outstanding on the account
Overdue Indicates whether the account is overdue

Possible values:

  • Within terms
  • No
  • Overdue 30
  • Overdue 60
  • Overdue 90
  • Overdue 90+
Actions The Actions column includes additional actions that are available for the results, including additional searches and reports that you may want to generate to further investigate. Click (Open in New Window) to open the report in a new window.

The following actions may be available: Click LexisNexis® Small Business Credit Report to run a detailed report on the associated business.

An expanded Account Details section can display 24-month history.

24-Month History
This section contains the history that was reported on the account over the most recent 24 months. This section includes the date reported, the date closed, the current limit, the amount outstanding, the payment status, and the amount overdue.
Public Records
This section provides summary counts of the public records that are in the report and events that are contained in those records. The section includes the following counts:
  • Current real property holdings
  • Current personal properties
  • Secured assets reported through UCC records
  • Current executives
Additionally, this section includes counts for the presence of records in which the business is a debtor in an active UCC, as well as counts for bankruptcies, judgments or liens, and notices of default and foreclosed real properties.

In each subsection, click to expand the details for a specific row. Click Show All Details to expand details for all rows.

This section contains bankruptcy records that are attributed to the business. A summary description is displayed by default.
This section contains judgment and lien records that are attributed to the business.
This section contains UCC records that are attributed to the business.
note.pngThe report includes filings in which the subject is the debtor as well as filings in which the subject is a creditor or secured party. Select or deselect Show Debtor or Show Creditor to filter the results.
This section contains a summarized view of SOS and other business registrations that are associated with the business. Click Sources in the Actions column to see the details of the filings.
When a filing status cannot be determined, N/A is displayed.

You can select or deselect Show Active or Show Other to filter the results. You can select a state to filter by state.

Real Property
This section contains information about real estate assets that are associated with the business. Properties with a foreclosure or notice of default are displayed first, followed first by current properties that are associated with the subject, and then by properties that are no longer associated with the subject.
You can clear the Show Prior check box to exclude prior properties.
Personal Property
This section contains information about motor vehicles, watercraft, and aircraft that are associated with the business.
You can select or clear the Show Prior, MVR, Watercraft, or Aircraft check boxes to filter the results.
This section contains information on any permits that were issued by government agencies to the report subject.
Associated Businesses
Parent Company
This section identifies business information about the parent business of the report subject. The parent is identified using LexisNexis Risk Solutions linking technology to assess information that is gathered about a business.
Possible Connected Businesses
This section contains businesses that may be closely related to the report subject, but they do not meet the requirements to join with the subject. Companies with similar names and similar addresses may appear in this section. Companies that are separate legal entities but share a connection to the report subject (such as a common owner) may also appear in this section.
Associated Persons
Executive Roles
This section contains persons who have been associated with the business in the past 24 months and who have held an operational or managerial title.
The executives are listed in alphabetical order by last name along with their title. Click SmartLinx Person Report to view details. When a search for first-name last-name is displayed, LexisNexis Risk Solutions is unable to resolve that executive to a single LexID number. Click Search for [subject name] for a list of candidates.

Reports and results may contain risk indicator flags. Risk indicator flags indicate a potential risk that may need further investigation. For information about risk indicator flags and other informational icons, see Informational and Risk Indicator Icons.

Prior Executive Roles
This section contains persons with operational or managerial titles who have not been associated with the business in the past 24 months, but were associated beyond 24 months ago.
Additional Information
Contact Information
This section contains telephone information and website information for the report subject.
Name/Address Variations
This section contains the following tables:
  • The Name Variations table lists the names that are associated with this business record.
  • The Address Variations table lists the addresses that are associated with the business.
This section contains codes and descriptions for primary SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes for the report subject, additional SIC codes for the report subject, and NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) codes for the report subject.

Click Run News Search to run a news search using the business name. Results are displayed from LexisNexis Risk Solutions news sources. The news source contains English language, full-text news sources. Access to certain freelance articles and other features within this publication (for example, photographs and classifieds) may not be available.

The results page contains a link to edit the search terms so that the search can be tailored even further.