RiskView Premium Report

The LexisNexis® RiskView™ Premium Report delivers detailed insights into key consumer data and behavior attributes for the subject.

Report and Results Elements and Icons

Reports and results contain elements that provide information to help you complete additional research actions.

For a list of possible elements, see Report and Results Element Descriptions.

For a list of possible icons, see Report and Result Action Icons.

Reports and results may contain risk indicator flags. Risk indicator flags indicate a potential risk that may need further investigation. For information about risk indicator flags and other informational icons, see Informational and Risk Indicator Icons.

note.pngDepending on your product subscription and administrative settings, you may not have access to the report or some of the information in the report.

Report Section Descriptions

The following table contains descriptions for each section of the report.

note.pngSubject has the same meaning as consumer.
Report Section Descriptions
Section Description
Header Information This section provides general information about the report.
Generated On
This line displays the date and the time when the report was generated.
Search Terms
This line displays the search terms that you entered into the search form.
Report Created For
This line displays who the report was created for.
Summary This section returns the most recent information that is on file for the subject. The information in this section may not match the search terms (input information) if the most recent information on file is not used as the search input. Mismatch indicators return if the input information does not match the most recent information on file.
Consumer Statements This section is returned only when one or more statements are added to the subject’s file, by the subject, regarding a dispute about the data that is in their file. A file-level statement or a record-level statement can be returned.
  • A file-level statement is made, by the subject, regarding their entire consumer report.
  • A record-level statement is made, by the subject, regarding a particular record (for example, a bankruptcy record).
RiskView Score The RiskView Score is an empirically-derived and statistically-sound model that is designed to predict the likelihood of an account becoming past due. RiskView possible scores range from 501 (highest risk) through 900 (lowest risk).

RiskView Score also returns the top four factors (five factors if an inquiry is involved in the score calculation) that influenced the score calculation. The Score Explanations indicate factors that influenced the score calculation. Score results can also vary from other industry credit scores because each agency uses their own mathematical formula and data content to calculate individual credit scores.

Talk to your LexisNexis® Risk Solutions account representative about establishing appropriate score cutoffs with the RiskView Scoring Models.

At a Glance This section provides a summary of the consumer report content that is returned for the subject. Blue triangles indicate the presence of positive information or the lack of derogatory information. Red double triangle icons indicate the presence of derogatory information or the lack of positive information. The absence of a blue triangle or the absence of a red double triangle indicates that the condition is neutral, meaning that there is a lack of positive information, but the condition is not a derogatory condition.
Alerts The RiskView Score Report returns alerts to highlight regulatory notices or score exception conditions on a subject’s file. Alerts may also be returned to indicate the bankruptcy chapter if a bankruptcy is on file. Alerts can be referenced for additional information when a RiskView Score of 0 is returned or when the RiskView Premium Report is blank. Because of state or federal law, some conditions may restrict the return of a RiskView Score Report or RiskView Premium Report.
The RiskView Score Report may return the following alerts:
Security Freeze On File
The subject requested a security freeze on their file.
note.pngIn collection scenarios that are not related to debt, state laws prohibit the return of a RiskView Score Report result.
Security Fraud Alert On File
The subject placed a security fraud alert on their file. Other RiskView Report content may return as part of the result when this alert is on file.
Consumer Statement On File
The subject placed one or more dispute statements on their file either at a file level (concerning the entire consumer report) or at the record level (concerning an individual record).
Insufficient Verification To Return A Consumer Report Under State Or Federal Law
LexisNexis Risk Solutions is unable to generate a RiskView Score Report result for the subject because of insufficient verification of input data.
Subject Reported As Deceased
LexisNexis Risk Solutions is unable to generate a RiskView Score Report for the subject because the subject is identified on file as deceased.
Unable to Return Results As Identity Not Found
LexisNexis Risk Solutions is unable to generate a RiskView Score Report result because there is insufficient data available on file to generate a report for the subject.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy On File
Chapter 9 Bankruptcy On File
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy On File
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy On File
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy On File
Chapter 15 Bankruptcy On File
Address History This section returns the address history that is on file for the subject as reported within the last five years. This address history is based on the first seen dates and the last seen dates that are on file for the sources that report these addresses.
Assets This section returns information about real property and personal assets that are associated with the subject. These details include real property ownership, property purchases, and property sales. This section also returns information about personal property asset registrations that are associated with the subject, including watercraft and aircraft.
Liens, Judgments, and Landlord/Tenant Cases This section returns public record filing information about tax lien, court judgment, and landlord/tenant cases from civil courts and federal courts that are associated with the subject.

The following record types return in this section:

Judgments return in multiple ways.
  • A civil judgment is a ruling against the subject in a court of law that pertains to non-criminal matters. A civil judgment often requires the payment of damages that exceed the small claims court limits. A civil court judgment record indicates that the subject was sued and that the court filed a judgment that required monetary reparations to satisfy the judgment.
  • Foreclosure judgment records include court filings against the subject that may require monetary payment or another action by the subject to satisfy a foreclosure judgment.
  • Small claims judgments are typically monetary judgments that are filed against a defendant as a result of losing a lawsuit. The dollar limit for small claims court filings varies by state, but it is typically from $5,000 to $10,000. A small claims judgment record indicates that the subject was sued, and the court filed a judgment that required monetary reparations to satisfy the judgment.
This section can return different types of liens.
A tax lien is imposed by legal action on a property that is owned by the subject to secure the payment of taxes. A tax lien may be imposed for delinquent taxes that are owed on real property or personal property or as a result of the failure to pay income taxes or other taxes. Public records of tax liens can include federal, state, county, and local government imposed liens.
Landlord/Tenant Case
Landlord/tenant cases are court judgments against the subject that are initiated by a landlord as the result of non-payment of rent. A landlord/tenant case is an important legal step in the process to evict a tenant from a rental property. The judgment does not necessarily mean that the tenant was physically evicted from the premises, because the tenant would have the right to pay the rent to current status (and other costs) to remain on the premises. Any future instance of non-payment of rent could result in a new filing for a landlord/tenant case. A repeat offender may have multiple landlord/tenant cases that involve the same landlord and rental property.
Lien or judgment records that are not categorized as one of the specified record types return as Other. For more information about other records, see the report Description field.
Bankruptcies This section returns bankruptcy records from federal bankruptcy courts that are associated with the subject.
Criminal Records This section returns criminal conviction and sexual offender registry records that are associated with the subject.
Criminal Conviction Records
This section provides details about felony and misdemeanor conviction records, excluding minor infractions and motor vehicle traffic violations. Criminal records are reported for seven years.
Sexual Offender Registry Records
This section returns sexual offender registry records for the subject.
Education and Licensing This section returns education and professional licensing records that are associated with the subject.
This section provides details about the evidence of college attendance, as reported on file. The information is based on published student directory sources. Absence of an educational record in the subject’s file is not evidence that the subject did not attend a post-secondary institution. This information can provide an understanding around academic achievement to help confirm high school graduation through post-secondary attendance. These sources report attendance in a program, not degree status.
This section provides details about professional licenses that are associated with the subject. This information is based on the public records of state-issued licenses to perform certain occupations. Coverage varies by the reporting jurisdiction in categories of occupation and in updating frequency. Professional licenses can be used as evidence of occupation. However, the absence of a professional license record in the subject’s file is not evidence that the subject does not legitimately practice these categories of occupation. Professional license records include historical license issuance. Not all professional license types and jurisdictions are currently updating. As a result, this information should not be used as an indication of current licensing status.
Business Associations This section returns details about formal business connections that are associated with the subject. The sources that provide this information return known, factual relationships between the subject and business entities. An absence of a published association is not necessarily evidence that there is no business association, because most employees of a business are not reported through these sources. These sources can be useful to identify business owners and certain officers who are identified in public business filings.
Finance Activity This section returns short-term loan offer requests and credit inquiries that are associated with the subject.
Short Term Loan Offer Requests
This section provides details that pertain to short-term loan solicitations that are associated with the subject. Short-term loans are consumer loans that typically have a repayment term of a few weeks. Short-term loan providers often charge substantial interest and fees, and the loans are considered very expensive forms of consumer debt compared with traditional revolving debt or installment loans. Internet-based clearinghouses advertise the availability of short-term loans and offer to connect interested consumers with lending institutions that service the consumers in their respective state. Consumers who register with a short-term loan clearinghouse or respond to a short-term loan clearinghouse provide their personal identifying information and are then contacted by one or more lenders with an offer of credit. These requests to receive a short-term loan solicitation are not applications for credit, and the consumer may or may not have actually used any loan service.

Short-term loan offer requests are reported on the Premium Report for 12 months, but can be used to influence the RiskView Score for up to seven years.

Credit Inquiries
This section provides details that pertain to LexisNexis Risk Solutions account opening inquiries and collection inquiries that are associated with the subject. LexisNexis Risk Solutions is a CRA (consumer reporting agency) as defined under the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) that reports seven-factor consumer information to financial institutions and others that have a permissible purpose under the FCRA. The seven factors include credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living. These factors can be used in credit underwriting and as the basis for taking adverse action against a consumer’s application for credit.

Credit inquiries associated with the subject for account opening or collection activity are reported on the Premium Report for 12 months.