Header Information |
This section provides general
information about the report.
- Generated On
- This line displays the date and the time when the report was
- Search Terms
- This line displays the search terms that you entered into the search
- Report Created For
- This line displays who the report was created for.
Risk Score |
This section provides general information about the results.
- Email
- This field returns the email address that was searched.
- Risk Band
- This field returns the level of risk associated with the email address based on the risk score. The risk score is a one-digit score that can range from 1 to
999. The value displays a risk level between 1 (lowest risk) and 6 (highest risk).
Possible values:
- 1 (0–100)
- 2 (100–300)
- 3 (301–600)
- 4 (601–799)
- 5 (800–899)
- 6 (900–999)
- Risk Score
- This field returns the holistic risk score and the risk reason using rule-based and machine learning algorithms to identify the fraud risk that is
associated with an email address. The value ranges from 0 (low risk) to 999 (high risk).
Email |
This section provides information about the email address.
- Email
- This field returns the email address that was searched.
- Total Hits
- This field returns the number of times that the email address was searched for in the last seven days.
- Unique Hits
- This field returns the number of unique companies that searched for the email address in the last seven days.
- Fraud Type
- This field returns the type of fraud that was reported against the email address.
Possible values:
- Card not present
- Customer dispute (chargeback)
- First party fraud
- Identity theft (fraud application)
- Identify theft (account takeover)
- Suspected fraud (not confirmed)
- Synthetic ID
- Other
- System auto reject
- Source Industry
- This field returns the industry of the company that reported the email address as fraud or good.
- Last Flagged on Date
- This field returns the last date that the email address was flagged as fraud or good.
- Email Exists
- This field indicates whether the email address domain exists.
Possible values:
- Yes
- No
- Not Anymore
- Not Sure
- Email Creation Date
- This field returns the date and time that the email address was created.
- First Seen
- This field returns the date and time of the first time that the email was seen by LexisNexis® Risk Solutions sources.
- Last Seen
- This field returns the date and time of the last time that the email was seen by LexisNexis Risk Solutions sources.
- Billing Country Match
- This field indicates whether the country of the email address matches the billing address country. A mismatch indicates a higher risk of fraud.
- Billing Country to Email Match
- This field indicates whether the country of the billing address matches the country of the email address that was flagged as risky.
- Email Status
- This field returns the status of the email address.
Possible values:
- General Error (An unidentified error was generated at the time of the request.)
- Certified (The email address exists, and the creation date is available.)
- Verified (The email address exists, but the creation date was not determined.)
- Email Inexistent (The email address does not exist, but the domain exists.)
- Valid Domain (The domain exists, but the email address does not exist.)
- Domain Inexistent (The domain does not exist.)
- Unknown (Neither the existence of the domain nor the existence of the email address can be determined.)
- Score Value
- This field represents the holistic confidence for pairs of input values (for example, email address and IP address, email
address and shipping address, and IP address and billing address) to each other. The higher the score, the higher the level of
confidence that the input values belong to the same identity and email association.
Confidence Score |
This section provides information about the confidence score.
- Confidence Score Indices
- These fields return the confidence values for each of the PII, phone number, or IP address data
points that are present in the search.
The following are possible data association points:
- Email address to PII
- Email address to IP address
- IP address to PII
- Address to PII
- Phone number to PII
Domain |
This section provides relevant information about the domain that is associated with the email address.
- Domain Name
- This field returns the domain name of the email address (for example, gmail.com).
- Domain Risk Level
- This field returns a description of the risk level of the domain.
Possible values:
- Very High
- High
- Moderate
- Low
- Very Low
- Review
- Domain Relevant Information
- This field indicates how relevant the risk is for the domain.
- Domain Exists
- This field indicates whether the domain exists.
Possible values:
- Yes
- No
- Not Anymore
- Not Sure
- Domain Creation Date
- This field returns the date that the domain was created.
- Domain Country Name
- This field returns the country in which the company that owns the domain name is located.
- Domain Company
- This field returns the name of the company that is associated with the subject.
- Domain Category
- This field returns the category of the company that owns the domain name (for example, Personal or Webmail).
- Domain Corporate
- This field indicates whether the domain name is a corporate domain name.
Possible values:
- Domain Country Risk
- This field indicates whether the domain is from a country that is flagged as risky.
Possible values:
Personal Details |
This section provides relevant information about the subjects who are associated with the email address.
- Full Name
- This field returns the first name and last name of the subject who is associated with the primary phone number.
- Full Address
- This field returns the best address for the subject, or the address that is associated with the subject and the email address.
- Title
- This field returns the title of the person who is associated with the email address.
- Company
- This field returns the name of the company for the person who is associated with the email address.
- First Association Seen
- This field returns the date that the subject was first seen associated with the email address.
- Name Match
- This field indicates whether the name that is associated with the email address matches the first name and last name values that were provided.
- Full Match
- Partial Match
- No match
- Social Media Association
- This field returns the social media information that is associated with the email address.
- Social Media Friend Count
- This field returns the total number of social media friends that the subject who is associated with the email address has.
- Billing City to Postal Match
- This field indicates whether the customer's billing city and state match their postal code. This is currently only available for U.S. addresses. For
addresses outside the United States, this field is null.
Possible values:
- Ship Forward
- This field indicates whether the customer's shipping address is a high risk shipping address.
Possible values:
- Phone Association with Billing Address
- This field indicates whether the customer's phone number is in the billing address location.
Possible values:
- Yes (Phone number is in the billing address location.)
- No (Phone number may be in a different area, or it is not listed in the LexisNexis Risk Solutions database.)
- Not Found (Phone number prefix is not in the LexisNexis Risk Solutions
- Shipping City to Postal Code
- This field indicates whether the customer's shipping city and state match their postal code.
Possible values:
IP Address |
This section provides the IP address to email association information based on the input data points.
- IP Address
- This field returns the IP address that was provided in the search.
- Relevant Information
- This field returns information that is relevant to understand the risk that is associated with the IP address.
- IP Risk Level
- This field returns the fraud risk ID for the IP address.
Possible values:
- Very High
- High
- Moderate
- Low
- Very Low
- Review
- IP Geo Location
- This field returns the latitude and longitude that is associated with the IP address, which is near the center of the most
granular location value that is returned (postal code, city, region, or country).
- Country Code
- This field returns the two-character ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 3166-1 country code for the country that is associated with the IP address.
- Postal Code
- This field returns the postal code that is associated with the ISO address.
- Anonymous Proxy
- This field indicates whether the user's IP address is an anonymous proxy.
Possible values:
- Proxy Type
- This field returns the type of proxy server.
Possible values:
- anonymous
- transparent
- hosting
- corporate
- public
- edu
- aol
- blackberry
- unknown
- null (non-proxy detected IP address)
- Proxy Description
- This field returns the proxy description if proxy is detected.
Possible values:
- tor-exit
- tor-relay
- cloud
- vpn
- dns
- web-browser
- cloud-security
- Null
- Proxy Reputation
- This field returns the reputation of the proxy, which indicates the likelihood that the user's IP address is an open
Possible values:
- Good
- Moderate
- High Risk
- Very High Risk
- Corporate Proxy
- This field indicates whether the user's IP address is a known corporate proxy.
Possible values:
- Service Provider
- This field returns the name of the service provider for the IP address.
- Connection Type
- This field returns the connection type that is associated with the IP address.
Possible values:
- wifi
- wired
- dialup
- mobile
- satellite
- business
- cafe
- cellular
- college
- contentDeliveryNetwork
- government
- hosting
- library
- military
- residential
- router
- school
- searchEngineSpider
- traveler
- Distance
- This field returns the distance from the IP address location to the billing location in kilometers. A higher distance indicates
a higher risk of fraud.
- IP Domain
- This field returns the second-level domain that is associated with the IP address.
- IP Country Match
- This field indicates whether the country of the IP address matched the billing address country. A mismatch indicates a higher
risk of fraud.
Possible values:
- Risk Country
- This field indicates whether the IP country is associated with a high risk of fraud.
Possible values:
- Shipping Country Match
- This field indicates whether the country of the IP address matches the shipping address country. A mismatch indicates a higher
risk of fraud.
Possible values:
- Shipping Distance
- This field returns the distance from the IP address location to the shipping location in kilometers. A higher distance
indicates a higher risk of fraud.